Feast of All Saints and All Souls Day
As we approach the Feast of All Saints and All Soul’s, a Book of Remembrance is located at each entry of the Church. Take a moment to inscribe the name(s) of your loved ones who have been called home to the Lord.
You can also submit their names online using the form below. It’s a simple gesture that brings comfort and peace.
Your family members, along with the beloved dead of our parish community, will be remembered in the monthly All Soul’s Mass intention.
Book of Remembrance
Remember in Prayer
In Remembrance on the Feast of All Souls, those faithfully departed in 2022, as of October 24, 2022.
Michael J. Abella, Sr.
Kelly Andrews
Philip Antolik
Patricia A. Anzo
Zen Babiak
Ruth M. Badaczewski
Dontayvis LaMont Bankston
Doris L. Barlock
Mary Louise Baronak
Armando Barry
Lawrence Barty
William Edward Baum
Mary Jane Baytos
Diane Berecz
Stacey Lynn Betley
Earl Betz
Mark Bidwell
Charles “Chuck” Boesch
Tommy Bond
Daniel Boskovitch
MiSon Brookfield
Ryszard Bujnarowski
Dianne Bundridge
David Burger
Patrick Joseph Butas
Stephanie Byczek
Pacifico Calaycay
Chuck Carroll
Peter Caso
Thomas J. Chase
Carl Chimelewski
Elizabeth “Libby” Chodkiewicz
Joseph Cilibraise
James Cinadr
Dolores R. Clayo
Sally Lee Clinton
Juanita R. Cordery
Shirley Craft
George L. Cron
Bela Csikesz
Joseph DeLuca Sr.
Thomas Derkacs
Richard M. DiSalvo
Dorothy Divis
Steve Dobransky
John Domasky, Jr.
Christopher Paul Drager
Marie Dugan
William J. Dulik
Sister Mary
Ellenann, SND
Jeffery Fedor, Sr.
Charlie Fike
Arthur Foth, Sr.
Robert W. Freiberger
Edgar Gelarden
Anna Mae Glaeser
Fred Glanc
Marrietta Gluck
Edward Greenhouse
Donald Grieder
Robert P. Guddy
Leonard Guk
Gloria A. Gungl
Alyce Hanlon
Hanneh Harb
Winifred Henrey
Thomas Hilderbrand
Bob Hope
David Horvath
Bernadette Hughes
Thomas Hulsmann
Tracy Hvizd
Tina Jackson
William Johnson
Logan Johnson
Charles F. Joy
Eleanor Kamczyc
Miles Ketterer
Thomas Killoran, Jr.
Teresa Kimbrough
Patrick Kinney
Betty Kobak
Russell J. Kocka
Virginia Koenig
Katherine Kolakowski
Stanley Kolenda
Elaine Koty
Joseph Kozak
Mary Jane Kozel
Ardell Kreps
Evelyn “Joyce” Kriso
Patricia S. Krystosik
Virginia Kuharcik
Diane Lapp
Laura Rosemarie Lemons
Jerry Lemons
Judith Leonti
Rose Marie Lonero
Michael J. Lucci
Christiane A. Luiere
Bruce MacMeans
Joan C. Majoros
Joseph A. Malesic
Raymond G. Maskow
Carol Maskow
Rae Claire Matley
Theodore Matovich
Richard Mayer
Loretta Mazzoni
William McClelland
Ann McGill
Thomas “Eddie” McGinnis
Kathleen McLean
Gianna Rae Meadows
Lillian Meek
Vivian Mejak
Stanley Mejak
Mary Jo Mellody
Dennis Merholz
Jane Merholz
Roger Michalak
Thomas Michetti
John Mikesina
Robert S. Monroe
Susan Morgan
Richard B. Mullen
Richard Murray
Linda Ann Myers
Michael Nemeth
Marlene Neura
Marena Niskala
David J. Novosel
Kathleen “Kathy” Odeal
Denise O’Dear
Kathleen Oelbracht
Mary Louise Ognibene
David Oster
Sean P. Osysko
Thomas R. Palya
Dixie Palya
Ali Parsipour
Joseph Paulick
Jeanette Pawlicki Byrd
Frank A. Percaciante III
Lawrence J. Petraus
Joseph Piazza
Irene Piller
Stella Popek
Emery Prokay
Pamela Quinn
Patricia Reidy
Tatum Joseph Rhodes
Maryann Riccio
Angela Riviotti
Bradford Roby
Mary Jane Rose
John Roth
Joyce Diane Savich
Geraldine E. Scheutzow
Debra Schneider
Patricia Schock
Stanley Schramek
Betty Schwab
John Seman
Helen L. Sheridan
Theodore “Ted” Sidloski
C.J. Sidwell
Victoria Simmons
David Skaroupka
David Skelley
Robert T. Sklenka
Angela Kristine Skot Keown
Richard Skully
Constance Smalley
Joyce Span
John Span III
John Span IV
Mary Betty Spicer
Rose Monica States
David Stevenson
Robert M. Stofko
Irmgard Franziska Strechay
Ursula Sullivan
James G. Sutter
Dennis Switalski
David Sziber
Bill Szoke
Tadek Szpotowicz
Dennis Tafoya
Catherine Ann Thomas
Frank Tomaccio
George Trifon
Carl J. Uehlein
Patrick M. Valliere
Marianne Vargo
Jeanette Vaughan
James Ventura
Kathleen Viancourt
Laura Jane Vozar
Steve Waltos
Larry Ward
Dorothy Weakland
Charisse Marie Williams
Richard A. Wojtala
Regis Wolanin
Carolyn Yamnitsky
Steven M. Yatson
Edwin Zayas
Antoinette J. Zerbini
Lawrence Zychowski