330-460-7300 | 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick, Ohio

Saint Ambrose Ministry Fair

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Saint Ambrose Ministry Fair

September 15 | 8:30 am – 1:30 pm | Hilkert Hall & Gym

We welcome all with joyful hospitality to our Annual Ministry Fair!

Come and meet our many ministries here at Saint Ambrose. Many of our wonderful ministries will be on hand to provide you with wonderful information. Consider and make a prayerful decision to join one of our ministries……

We hope to see you there!

Are you a Parish Ministry Leader? Register your ministry!

Please register for your Ministry to be represented at our upcoming Saint Ambrose Parish Ministry Fair.

Any questions can be directed to Vita Schmidt at Vschmidt@StAmbrose.us.

Parish Registration

We welcome you to join our parish community, to grow in a family of faith, and experience the wonderful things at Saint Ambrose Parish!

Eucharistic Adoration

Come and spend some time in prayer during Eucharistic Adoration as we “watch and wait," remaining “silent” in His loving Presence.

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