A few weeks back I had the blessing of meeting with all of our candidates for Confirmation in 2018. They were in small groups working their way around the Church so they could reflect on different dimensions of our life of faith (welcome, service, commitment, Christ-centered). In each of the small groups, I began by asking the candidates and their parents/sponsors what they valued or appreciated about our parish community.

Their responses were consistent and clear. They used words and phrases like:

• Everyone is welcome here.
• The parish is alive.
• I feel accepted here.
• From my family I figured out that this is the center of most of our activities and friends.
• We help lots of people. I feel good about that.

These thoughts and sentiments from eighth graders speak volumes about our parish community and the good YOU do, and WE do together, in the name of the Lord. We continue Jesus’ mission and ministry to bring care and compassion – hope and comfort – to our community and to our world.

This Easter, and always, I thank God for our members. I thank God for you – for your goodness, your support, your commitment to the Lord and your generous service to the work of the Lord we do at Saint Ambrose. I pray every day that you may know the outpouring of God’s grace and blessings.

Please use this Easter to renew your commitment to the Lord. Let me know how I/we can be of help and assistance to you and your loved ones. Consider one way you can get involved in the life of our community. This Easter bulletin shares some of the many opportunities that are coming up in the next weeks where we can gather and share life, faith, family and friendship.

The responses of our Confirmation candidates were really hopeful and inspiring. Their thoughts speak volumes about our parish and the spirit of family we share at Saint Ambrose. I pray you may always find a warm welcome here; that you and all who join us can experience the Easter message – of light, of care, of support and strength. For all of us, may we center our lives on Jesus Christ, who is everything for us.

God bless you. Happy Easter.