…”Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  Then they abandoned their nets and followed him.”  This weekend’s Gospel continues to remind us that we are all ‘called’ by God to a fuller and more abundant like in Christ.  The Lord calls out to us to give us more blessings and opportunity.  The challenge for us is get untangled from the nets that trap, trip and tangle us.  Allow yourself this week some time to ‘hear’ the call of the Lord.  What are the nets that you need to ‘abandon’ so you can be free to go, live, love and follow where He leads?

…This weekend we are blessed to welcome Brother Casey Cole, OFM to our parish.  Brother Casey is a young Franciscan who comes to call each of us to form good ‘habits’ with the Lord.  These good habits call us to let go of some ‘nets’ and take on some new ways – the ways of Christ.  Brother Casey will be with us, as well as spending some time with the students of Padua Franciscan High School.  Welcome Brother Casey!!

…This Monday we remember the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade.  Many of our teens and Knights made their way to Washington DC to March for Life.    This weekend is a moment for all of us to renew our commitment to protect and promote the dignity of all life from conception until natural death.  May our prayer and actions reflect a culture of life where we see the goodness of each child of God.

…This is also the week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  It is Christ who calls each of us to a fullness of life.  Let’s pray this week that all Christians can come together as one in the Lord to work to create a more loving and compassionate world for all of God’s children.

…Speaking of children….the students of Saint Ambrose School are going to start eating a better lunch starting this week.  Thanks to our friends at Marc’s and Dole Foods, we received a grant to obtain a Salad Bar so our students can each fresh lunches every day.  We are so blessed!!!  The Salad Bar will be dedicated this coming Tuesday.

…Saint Ambrose School and our Littlest Angels Preschool will be hosting an Open House next Sunday, January 28th from 10 am until 1:30 p.m.  Come and see the amazing things taking place in our school.  Everything for every student every day – Saint Ambrose School.

…This Sunday our school is hosting Magic Gives Back.  It’s a great show.  All are welcome.  Tickets are available at the door.  Show time is at 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

…Today’s Gospel offers a powerful invitation – a life changing CALL – to those early followers.  As they dropped their nets, everything changed.  In that same spirit, this Lent we are calling each of our members to drop their nets and open their heart to Small Faith Sharing Groups.  They are simply an opportunity to come together, with six or eight of our members, to read some Lenten Scripture and discuss ways that it applies to daily life.   You will find this opportunity renewing, refreshing, and in a real way – life changing.  It can lead to a stronger walk with the Lord and some deeper friendship with some of our members.

…Here’s another CALL…..Lent is rapidly approaching and with it comes our wonderful Lent Fish Fry.  A few of our long time cooks have ‘retired’.  So we need to ‘call’ a few of you to help in the kitchen.  If you can help or want to learn more, please contact me at frbob@StAmbrose.us /330.460.7333.  Many hands make for a great Fish Fry.

…Church safety is always a concern for us at Saint Ambrose.  This coming Tuesday, Sheriff Miller and his team return to Saint Ambrose to do a refresher course on day-to-day safety around our campus. If you would like to learn more about how we can help keep everyone safe on our campus, please join us in the church at 7:00 p.m.

…One of the best nights of winter take place next Saturday – our annual Winter Carnival.  Join us in Hilkert Hall any time from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.  The Winter Carnival is a perfect family night – games, food, fun.  Special thanks to our Knights of Columbus for their efforts to bring us all together.

…Coming this week is the next edition of the Angelus, our parish newsletter. It is filled with great information about upcoming programs and opportunities for the entire family of God. Please take some time to read through it. Let it be one way that God is calling out to you in this new year.

…Mark your calendars now for the kick off to Lent, a special three night mission, with Fr. Mike Denk. It’s a perfect way to ‘set the tone’ to make this Lent – the best ever for you in your life. Imagine if hundreds and thousands of us used the 40 days to grow closer to the Lord in a real and personal way. Hold the dates (February 11-13).

…Believe it or not, the Little Black Books are making their way to the book rack this week.

…And equally shocking is that we are almost at the end of January and with it comes your 2017 tax statements. They are one more expression of your goodness. May God bless each and every offering and sacrifice you make to the Lord in support of our community.

Welcome Brother Casey. May we all form better habits in the ways of the Lord. God bless.