Weekend Mass & Presider Schedule
Come to the Feast of Heaven and Earth, come to the Table of Plenty.
God will provide for all that we need, here at the Table of Plenty.
The words of one of our favorite songs speaks powerfully about the blessings that come at the Table of the Lord. Please join us each weekend as we come together.
Listed below is the Weekend Mass schedule and the Presider for our Masses.
Because of unforeseen changes, the schedule is always subject to change.
September 2024
Saturday, September 28
4:30 pm Stec
Sunday, September 29
7:30 am Stec
9:00 am Stec
10:30 am Samide
12:00 pm Samide
5:00 pm Samide
October 2024
Saturday, October 5
4:30 pm Samide
5:00 pm Stec (Fall Harvest Mass at the Grotto)
Sunday, October 6
7:30 am Stec
9:00 am Stec
10:30 am Samide
12:00 pm Samide
5:00 pm Samide
Saturday, October 12
4:30 pm Stec
Sunday, October 13
7:30 am Samide
9:00 am Stec
10:30 am Samide
12:00 pm Stec
5:00 pm Samide
6:30 pm Stec (Silent Sorrows Mass)
Saturday, October 19
4:30 pm Stec
Sunday, October 20
7:30 am Stec
9:00 am Stec
10:30 am Samide
12:00 pm Stec
5:00 pm Samide
Saturday, October 26
4:30 pm Stec
Sunday, October 27
7:30 am Samide
9:00 am Samide
10:30 am Stec
12:00 pm Stec
5:00 pm Stec
November 2024
Saturday, November 2
4:30 pm Samide
Sunday, November 3
7:30 am Stec
9:00 am Stec
10:30 am Samide
12:00 pm Samide
5:00 pm Stec
Saturday, November 9
4:30 pm Stec
Sunday, November 10
7:30 am Samide
9:00 am Stec
10:30 am Stec
12:00 pm Stec
5:00 pm Samide
Mother-Daughter Self Defense & Awareness Class
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The Novena to Our Lady of The Rosary 2024
Novena to our Blessed Mother September 29 through October 7 A novena is a nine-day prayer that can be prayed for a specific saint or for a special intention. Some novenas are said in [...]
Fill the Crib this October
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Saint Ambrose Parish Directory – Now Available!
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Building Overdose Awareness
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Backpack Blessing
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