…”Along the way, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” They said in reply, “John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others one of the prophets.”  And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?”  Peter said to him in reply, “You are the Christ.”   The Gospel from Mark poses a great question for our reflection, “Who do you say that I am?”  Who is Jesus in your life?  Each of us will answer with a very personal and unique answer.  He is our Light, our hope, our strength, our friend, our peace, our  Savior and our Lord.  He is the Gentle Shepherd, Divine Mercy, the Way/Truth/Life.   What matters most is that we each take time to prayerfully reflect on this question.  Who is Jesus for you?

…A slightly different question for us to ponder, “How can our parish help you come to a deeper personal relationship with the Lord?”  As you read through the bulletin and parish newsletter, there are many opportunities to help each of our members to develop a personal relationship of Christ in your life.  Please let us know how we can help you walk more closely with the Lord.

…And, one more way for us to reflect on this weekend, “When people think of our parish community, how do they see Christ present and active? “   As Church, how do we put ‘hands and face’ on the presence and action of Christ in our community – in our world?    When I reflect on this question, here are some of the dimensions of Christ at work in our community…

…This past week we received a thank you note from the Peter Maurin Center of Akron.  They do great work in caring for and feeding those in need.  “Our staff always marvels that when a resource is really needed, it just shows up!  Many times, it ‘shows up’ from Saint Ambrose Parish. …Please thank the Saint Ambrose Parish Family for their support and for their example.”   We care for those in need.

 …We serve our sisters and brothers in our local community through our community outreach team.  This past week, Mike Adams sent a summary of the month’s service outreach.  To help our members, they installed rails and safety bars in one home, in another they were painting and bringing joy to a tired home, and in another they fixed a kitchen faucet and bathtub drain, along with repairing a patio screen door.  God bless our members as they serve those who need some help and care.  The Outreach Team is looking for some people (especially our seniors) to help in the upcoming month.  Feel free to reach out to the Outreach Team by emailing (jbaldwin@StAmbrose.us or lhomady@StAmbrose.us).

…We offer help and hope to our families.  This past week we received a humbling email from one of our members.  As you may remember, our community hosts a Catholic Charities Counselor on site.  One of our members had a son who was ready to get some help with his terrible addiction.  They were able to reach out to our community….connect with Catholic Charities….and like a blessing from God….were able to get their son into a treatment program right away.  Our community cares.

…Dyan sent out an email this week inviting lots of our members to help her serve as a Greeter for our weekend Masses.    It doesn’t have to be every week…but simply to extend the welcome of the Lord to everyone who join us for prayer.  Our community is welcoming.

…Helen and Deacon Tom Sheridan are starting up another series of the Marriage Course. The program is designed to help married couples celebrate what is good and best in their marriage, while reflecting on ways they can renew and refresh their married love.  Our parish works hard to support married life.  For more details contact Helen at hsheridan@StAmbrose.us.

…This coming Tuesday, September 18 at 7:00 pm  we are hosting the First Step Program for anyone who wants to learn more about an annulment.  It’s a peaceful way to learn more and find help and healing through the annulment process.   For more information on the program, or annulments, contact Fr. Adam at azajac@StAmbrose.us.

…Talyah is working to do something ‘fresh’ and new for our Young Adult members.  They are doing a cooking class (and then share a meal) on Thursday, September 27 at 6 pm.  We are working to support young adults in our community.  To join in the class/meal, contact tbernardone@StAmbrose.us.

…Our members are supportive of our community.  Pete Borbely and his firm Luxury Window Films are installing special tinting on all the doors of our school.  It’s designed to help keep all of our youngest members safe and secure.

…Our PSR program got off to a great start last week.  There’s still room for your children/grandchildren so they can come and learn more about the ways of the Lord.  God bless Janet Majka and our PSR team as we work to be a great place for the children of God to learn and grow in their faith.  If you have any questions or need information on PSR, Journey with Jesus, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, please contact jmajka@StAmbrose.us.

…In so many ways each of these examples are a dimension of the care and compassion of Christ and a reflection of the Church – our community of faith united in the love of God and committed to bringing the help and hope of the Lord to each sister and brother.  May God bless you for all the good you do for the Lord and our community.  Have a blessed week.

…This weekend is a special time for our community as we begin to repair and renew our church building.  The insert today gives you an update with all the details.  Most importantly, starting next weekend, you will not be able to enter the front doors of the Church.  There’s a ‘new door’ on the north side of the Church, along with the narthex and south entrance.   We will work hard to make this as easy, comfortable and safe for you and our community.  This is an exciting and hopeful time for our community.  Many thanks for your support for our Capital Campaign, regular collection and building fund envelopes.  All of us – working together – will offer a beautiful gift to God and continue the work and mission of Jesus Christ.