September 8, 2016

…”Indeed, the grace of our Lord has been abundant, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these I am the foremost. But for that reason I was mercifully treated, so that in me, as the foremost, Christ Jesus might display all his patience as an example for those who would come to believe in him for everlasting life. To the king of ages, incorruptible, invisible, the only God, honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” Paul’s first letter to Timothy is a powerful reflection, as we mark out the 15th anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11. Saint Paul clearly realizes that all of us need God….need God’s mercy….and that Christ the King will make all things right in His eternal Kingdom. Our hope is always in the Lord. We desperately need God’s mercy for ourselves – each of us broken and sinful. With that mercy, we are then equipped to treat one another with mercy, compassion and dignity. On this day, when we remember such painful and tragic events, we are aware that God’s mercy will save us and equip us to make the world a better place for all.

…This Sunday marks the start of our Youth Ministry Year. All high school students are invited to join us for FIAT on Sunday evening. We will gather for 5:00 pm Mass followed by friendship, fun and meaningful discussion. For the most part, our high school students all were born and/or are living in a post-9/11 era. Think how distressing to live their whole lives in a world marked by terror and fear. All the more, we need to help our teens know the hope and promises of the Lord. We also need to empower and equip them to be agents of a better world filled with God’s peace and justice.

…Special thanks to Caitlin O’Neill and Josh Arbogast, who are coordinating all our junior high and high school youth ministry events. They are working hard to make sure all our teens know the welcome and care of the Lord at Saint Ambrose. They could always use some help. Consider joining them – just a little. You will meet great high school students filled with energy and passion and a drive to make a difference. You will also be serving the Lord and helping restore our world in the spirit of Christ. Call our Youth Ministry Office today for more information (330.460.7387).

…God bless our catechists and PSR team who are bringing PSR and our teaching ministries to life for another year. We are so blessed by their faithfulness and generous service to our children. Please keep them in your prayers. May the Spirit of God guide them as they teach their students the mercy, compassion and peace of the Lord.

…Next weekend, we are inviting all who are serving and leading in our teaching ministries to come forward for a special prayer from our community. On Catechetical Sunday, we want each of our members who are serving to pass on the faith to know of the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit – and be assured of our support and gratitude.

…Journey with Jesus and Children’s Liturgy of the Word is also starting up. Our Sunday morning Preschool (Journey with Jesus) is a great way for our 3-5 year olds to learn the stories and songs of our faith, while their parents attend either the 9:00 am or 10:30 am Masses. Liturgy of the Word for children takes place each weekend at the 4:30 pm, 9:00 am and 10:30 am Masses. All children in the first, second or third grade are invited to come forward and are then dismissed to the Chapel to hear and understand the weekend scriptures in an age appropriate way. They then return and join their families during the Offertory of the Mass. Both are great ways to help all of our young people come to a deeper understanding of God’s promises and mercy. For more information, please contact Janet Majka at 330.460.7321.

…As we prepare and ramp up for the new pastoral year, one of our faithful, generous servants of the Lord is retiring. For the past 30 years, Pixie Blake has been a blessing beyond words to the priests serving our parish. Pixie has been taking care of the Rectory with the greatest of love and care. She has served with a grace, and gracefulness, beyond words. She’s at the point where she now needs to take care of herself. On behalf of all those she has cared for so lovingly, especially Father Hilkert, please join me in offering profound thanks and appreciation. God bless you, Pixie. Enjoy your retirement. I know you and Jim will continue to be active in the parish. You will, however, be greatly missed as the first face all the priests get to see on Monday morning in the Rectory.

…BTW….it’s never too late to register for PSR.

…BTW….God bless Kathy and Steve Jake. Thanks to their efforts and leadership, 1000 yard signs have been distributed to our community in prayerful support for all who serve and protect us. As we remember 9/11, we pray for all who serve in our military and all first responders. We are so blessed in our community with the faithful service of our police and fire departments. They are always quick to respond to any of our parish needs. Please ask God to protect all those who protect us.

…Kathy is also part of our Pastoral Council Leadership Team. She, along with Linda Cebula, Stan Socha and Jane Baldwin, will convene the PPC on Tuesday evening as we welcome 10 new members. We are blessed. They will be discussing the goals for the pastoral year, along with plans for the 60th anniversary of the parish.

…This Wednesday evening our Festival committee is meeting to recap the year and start plans for 2017. We are blessed to have raised about $86,000 through our festival. Thank you so much for all your support. Special thanks to Gary Panteck and Brunswick Automart for their support for the festival raffle. Together we were able to get new windows in the school, doors in Hilkert Hall, along with other ordinary repairs. The complete report will be coming in the Annual Report in October. Thanks so much.

…The Steak Roast last weekend was GREAT. So many have commented how much they appreciate the beautiful Mother Teresa statue by the patio. God bless our Knights of Columbus. Mother Teresa is an example of the mercy and compassion of God. How can we use this week to do ‘little things with GREAT love?”
