Saint Ambrose Parish Online Mass & Services
Thank you for joining us for Mass online!
Please take a moment to quiet your heart and mind. Before or after Mass, we invite you to explore this page to see the wonderful opportunities our Parish is providing at this time. The perfect gift we can give this year to our family and friends is Jesus Christ…invite someone to this web page.
Our live-streamed Mass will broadcast at the date and time listed on the video below. Past videos are available below the large player. All of our Masses and Prayers Services on our YouTube page. All Videos | Live Stream Masses. Live and playback videos also on Facebook.
We are a Catholic community of faith,
centered on Jesus Christ, who is everything for us.
Upcoming Events at Saint Ambrose
Community News
Building Overdose Awareness
There is an international crisis of drug overdose. Over the last twenty years drug overdose deaths have increased significantly in many parts of the world. In 2023, data from the Centers for Disease Control and [...]
Backpack Blessing
All students, teachers, and administrators receive a special gift and are encouraged to bring a backpack to be blessed for the new school year during any of our weekend Masses, August 24-25, 2024. We wish [...]
Bring your grandparents or the special person in your life! In observation of the Feast Day of Saints Joachim and Anne and World Day of Grandparents & the Elderly, this month’s Donut Sunday will be [...]
Christmas in July: School Supplies!
School Supply Drive! Give The Gift Of Learning Catholic Works of Mercy will be hosting Christmas in July from July 12th to July 25th to collect school supplies for our Cleveland sister parish St. [...]
Automatic Giving
Please consider Automatic Giving (ACH). It offers our parish consistent support in all the season of the year and always.
Click here to download a copy of this prayer card to print at home.
Weekly Schedule
Live Streamed Masses
Daily Mass 8:15 am
Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 pm
Sunday Masses 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am (Rebroadcast at 12:00 pm & 5:00 pm)
Live Streamed Prayer Service
Tuesday, Thursday 8:15 am
Calendar and Online Resources
Full Weekly & Monthly Calendar Available at
All Saint Ambrose videos, resources and spiritual information, visit our YouTube page.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word NEW Videos posted Saturday morning at
Pray the Rosary Listen and pray along to audio files any time at
Pray the Angelus We invite you to Pray the Angelus daily at noon, or anytime the works best for you.
Personal Prayer
The Church is open for you to pray every day from 6:30 am until 9:00 pm.
Please enter through the Church side entries. (Narthex or South Entry.)
If you have any questions or need additional assistance please call Father Bob at 216.598.7000.
How to Make the Most of Streaming Mass
Helpful Tips:
- Try connecting your laptop to your TV via HDMI cord. If you have a Smart TV, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV or similar device, you can use the internet app to go to our website from your TV.
- Be intentional about it with your family…pray and reflect together as a family before Mass begins to get in the right mindset; even set up some chairs as if you were in Church. Come up with special needs and intentions that you (and your family) want to remember in prayer at Mass. We invite you to submit your Prayer Request & Intentions on our web page and we will remember them at Mass.
- Get rid of distractions…food, books, TV, other devices, etc.
- Follow along with the Mass readings and all the responses. (View today’s readings.) If you can, print them out prior to Mass. It will help you focus on God’s Word.
- Invite your family and friends to join you/us by sharing the website:
Community Partner
During these trying times, if you need financial guidance or loans, reach out to Unity Catholic, just down the road from St. Ambrose on Pearl and ask for Kelly Reddy.
If you are looking for any help or guidance on your long and short term financial planning, reach out to Mike Koler at Koler Financial. Their calm, even approach to finances will put you at ease and give you great advice.
If you need windows, siding, doors or a new roof, or have any storm damage, please contact our friends and long time St. Ambrose Partner, Universal Windows Direct.
Thank you to our Community Partners!
Your involvement in the Saint Ambrose Parish Community Partners Program is a high value that places your name and message before over 100,000 residents in our region. If you are interested in learning more, visit our Community Partner page.