Community Life Ministries focus on Social Activities and Events for all ages.

Live in Harmony with one another Romans 12:16

Everyone has a gift to share and many of our parishioners love to garden! We are simple servants of our parish from different backgrounds, ages and abilities. We serve our parish by keeping our parish grounds looking beautiful! Every flower bed you see is lovingly maintained by volunteers.

We have occasional meetings throughout the year, but each bed is weeded and watered by the volunteer who adopts it regularly. If you love gardening or being outdoors and want to help keep the parish campus looking beautiful, call Bernie or the parish office today. It’s simple and easy, but makes a big difference!

CONTACT: Bernie Zavada at 330.461.1795 or

The purpose of the St. Ambrose Athletic Boosters is to provide an opportunity for parish children to participate in sports programs in a Christian atmosphere. The Boosters finance to the best of our ability, and expand all sports programs, when and where feasible. Financing is done through membership fees, participation fees, fundraisers, donations, grants and other available sources.  Booster meetings are held the 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. There are many opportunities to help with coaching, fundraising and administrative work. Anyone looking to promote athletic endeavors, in a Christian atmosphere, with the best interest of our children, is invited.

All coaches must be CYO and VIRTUS trained, as well as fingerprinted.  The Boosters sponsor CYO Football, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Basketball, Baseball and Fast pitch Softball for students in grades 4-8. We also sponsor high school CYO volleyball and basketball. The athletic seasons are as follows: Fall sports run August – November; Winter sports run November – March; and Spring sports run March – May.

Additional Information on Saint Ambrose Athletics

Suggested Strengths: Positivity, WOO, Arranger, Responsibility

Jim Lepi, 330.273.1801 or
Dan Mog, President, 330.840.1326 or

We are a group of parishioners who enjoy reading and spending time with each other. We read spiritual books and are lead through relaxing fellowship and conversation by Fr. Rob Ramser.  The book club meets on Wednesdays from September – June from 1:00 – 2:00 pm in Lehner Center Fr. McGivney room. 

Suggested Strengths: Belief, Communication, Learner

If you consider yourself a learner or love to read, contact Gayle Oboy at or Diane Heilman at

Help us bake delicious treats for upcoming Parish events, retreats and other service projects. Simply let us know you are interested and we will let you know upcoming events we will need baked goods. All bakery can be prepared in the comfort of your own home and dropped off at the Parish Office.

CONTACT: Chrissy Balentine at

St. Ambrose Bingo takes place every Friday night in Hilkert Hall. Doors open at 5:00 pm and Bingo starts at 7:00 pm.  There are many volunteer opportunities available with flexible hours. Some volunteers help early in the evening; others arrive later. Most volunteer one Friday a month.  Bingo is a vital part in supporting the parish. We welcome all friendly, outgoing individuals who want to meet new people and get a little exercise! St. Ambrose Bingo — the friendliest game in town!

Saint Ambrose Bingo Home Page

CONTACT: Lynn Rogers, 330.460.7324 or

We are a dedicated group of parishioners who support the parish, school, front office and any ministry that needs extra administrative help. We do a variety of things from stuffing, sealing and stamping envelopes to stapling bulletin inserts to helping with general office organization. We work closely with parish staff to help make their life a little easier and save the parish money!

We are ‘on-call’, meaning sometimes we know a week in advance we’ll have a project, other times things pop up last minute and we help out. Sometimes it is an hour project, other times – it’s 2-3 hours.

Suggested Strengths: Communication, Consistency, Focus

If you’re interested and able to assist, sign up to be on the list and when there’s a project, Mary will reach out to you. If you can help at that time, that is great. If not, there will always be plenty more opportunities. Mary Stickney, 330.220.2212 or

We are a team of reliable volunteers who count proceeds from the parish collection. We meet once a week for a few hours to count the parish collection. If you have good math and counting skills, call Pattie today!

Suggested Strengths: Analytical, Futuristic, Strategic

Participants must have a background check as required by the Diocese. Pattie Lewis,

Our group brings our parish family and friends together once a month on designated Sundays. It’s a wonderful time for socializing, welcoming our community, sponsoring events and introducing various ministries. We serve refreshments, such as donuts, coffee, hot chocolate and juice.  Time commitment is flexible for volunteers. We are looking for friendly people to join our team to help out monthly at our Donut Sundays!

CONTACT: Tom + Mary Ann Valko, 330.220.1694,

We are anyone over 50 who is not yet a “senior” and ready to join SAS+. We are adults maturing & still growing personally, sharing in each other’s company. We are single, married, divorced or widowed. We get together with others from your parish in your same life situation. We are more than a social club – we are a community within the Saint Ambrose community. As the group grows, there will be more opportunities to get together. Activities are held evenings and weekends for those working or with daytime commitments.

If you’re over 50 and looking to connect with likeminded adults your age, contact Jim Rauschenbach to learn more. 

Our Golf League began over 25 years ago and our mission quite simple:

“to foster a community of faith-filled individuals united by our love for golf. Guided by Catholic values, we aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment where our members can strengthen their spiritual connection, build lasting friendships, and simply enjoy the game.”

Shortly after our league began, it evolved from a few parishioners, to Father and Son teams and now includes extended family members, friends, and new parishioners as well. Our league rules are a bit “relaxed” compared to most leagues, which allows for players to enjoy the game while improving. It’s centered around making new connections and strengthening established ones, not so much the competitiveness.

We book full every year and with the increase in membership over the years, we are now a committee of four who oversee the various aspects.

Let me know if you’d like more information or if you have any questions.

God Bless!
Dan Wish – on behalf of the St. Ambrose Men’s Golf League Committee

We are parishioners who care about active and retired military members. At times, we send care packages. We keep a list of and pray for all active military members.

Suggested Strengths: Empathy, Belief, Communication, Connectedness

If you would like to pray for our military or provide items for a care package, contact Michele for more information.

Rebecca Kaaikaula, 330.460.7334 or

We are a group of parishioners who enjoy gathering together, watching movies, and spending time with one another. We view movies with meaning: saints, life, and spirituality. Come to Fr. McGivney room on the first Thursday of each month (September – May) at 6:30 pm. 

Suggested Strengths: Belief, Communication, Learner

Join us for movie night!

Contact Gayle Oboy at or Diane Heilman at

All men 30 and over are welcome; including all skill levels. We play every Thursday night from 9:00pm – 11:00pm from October through April.

CONTACT: Dennis Cigany, 440.669.7246 or

We are ladies from the community who come together each month for prayer and fellowship. It’s a welcoming, pressure-free atmosphere.  Ladies First offers a relaxing atmosphere where you may come and enjoy inspiring speakers, great company, delicious food and flavored coffee. Each month there will be a short presentation and guided discussion related to the topic for the month.

Suggested Strengths: Belief, Connectedness, Learner

Ladies First meets on the last Tuesday of the month (except when holidays call for a different date). All are welcome. Come by yourself or invite friends! For more information, contact Denise.

Denise Daugherty, 440.570.8160 or

Do you like to help with event planning!?

Do you enjoy meeting other great people in our Parish!?

If so the Hospitality Committee is for you! Our Hospitality Committee helps prepare for many parish events and is always in need of a few extra hands! All are welcomed to assist!

Contact Chrissy Balentine at

We are a humble group of servants who help clean and maintain the beauty of our church. We are men and women and children! (Students in grades 6-8 do not need a parent with them, however younger students do need the assistance of a parent to help clean). We serve by cleaning the floors, pews and furnishings throughout the church. We meet on a bi-monthly basis.

Suggested Strengths: Arranger, Discipline, Responsibility

It’s easy and just about anyone can help wash down a pew or sweep the floor! Call Lisa or Amanda  today.

Lisa Beckett, 330.604.5180 or
Amanda McCrary, 330.329.4112 or

Promoting adoptions through local shelters and animal rescues.
Promoting foster care for animals who are waiting for their forever, loving home.
Encouraging animal owners to train their pets to become therapy dogs.
Visiting nursing homes, home bound, school children with therapy dogs.
Integrating Noah’s Ark Animal Ministry with other Parish Ministries.
Collecting donations (blankets, bowls, collars, leashes, crates, etc).

Dawn Hill, 330.220.0542 or
Janet Jancewicz, 330.220.0858 or

We are a group of volunteer parishioners who love photography! We come to parish and school events to capture the moment and tell the story of the good work our parish and school families do throughout the year. We don’t meet regularly, but we do ask that if you’re attending a parish event, to bring your camera and capture the moment!

Suggested Strengths: Communication, Focus, Positivity

If you’re a photographer and want to help your parish, contact Rebecca to get involved!

Rebecca Kaaikaula, 330.460.7314 or

Our parish writes a lot! Whether it’s the bulletin, newsletters, postcard or this directory, there is a ton of work that goes into producing everything! We’re a group of parishioners with some background in reading, editing and proofing. We offer an extra set of eyes on things that are sent out to the public!

Our writing and proofing ministry, simply helps proof our bulletins and other parish publications, as well as assists with writing press releases for our local media. We can always use an extra set of eyes to help us! All of our ministry work is done via email. Natalie will send us a copy of what needs proofed, and we’ll send her our edits. It’s easy and simple!

Suggested Strengths: Connectedness, Discipline, Harmony, Self-Assurance, Communication

Call or email Rebecca for more information.  

Rebecca Kaaikaula, 330.460.7334 or

Women’s Guild is a service and fellowship organization of the ladies of the parish. We offer assistance to the pastor in parish activities. Our group promotes friendly relations among all members of our parish by furthering the cause of religion, education and social service in our community. Our members have a willingness to work with others. We offer timely speakers and our activities are designed to be educational and social while fostering fellowship within our parish community. Prayer and refreshments are always included.

Suggested Strengths: Connectedness, Harmony, Responsibility

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in Hilkert Hall, and last 1½ to 2 hours. We do not meet in July.

If you want to join a wonderful group of ladies with great hearts for the Lord and love of service, contact Connie to learn more!

Connie Tomek,

This committee provides a warm and hospitable welcome into our Parish community for new parishioners. Committee members extend a personal welcome to all new parishioners and answer any questions they might have about the St Ambrose parish community.  Welcome Gathering receptions are held several times during the year to welcome our new  parishioners and where they can find out more about the vibrant life of the parish!  If you love meeting and talking with people, this is the ministry for you and we’d love for you to join us! Join now so you can be a part of the next welcome gathering!

Suggested Strengths:  Includer, Positivity, WOO, Individualization

Rebecca Kaaikaula, 330.460.7334,

The Stewardship Committee is a group of parishioners and staff members who come together to plan and educate parishioners about the meaning and spirituality of stewardship. We plan the annual Ministry Fair and other events throughout the year to help members of Saint Ambrose learn how they can use their talents given to them by God to make a difference in our community. Stewardship calls all to reflect on how you spend your time, how you use and share your talents and how and what you do with your treasures to help build up the Kingdom of God.  Meetings are held periodically throughout the year. 

Suggested Strengths: Responsibility, Significance, Belief, Competition

If you want to learn more about how you can make a sustainable impact in the life of our parish, contact Jane today!

Contact Rebecca Kaaikaula at

We are the Seniors of Saint Ambrose!

How we serve: We provide opportunities for companionship, adventure, spiritual growth, social activities and health & wellness for our seniors. Most activities are offered during daytime hours per your request. However, we do provide opportunities on various days and times throughout the year to accommodate those not available during the day.

Click here to navigate to our webpage (you can find us under Parish Groups on the main menu) where you can see our upcoming events, see photos, learn more about us, get a link to our newsletter and our Facebook page where there are even more photos!

“Did you know the Medina County Office for Older Adults provides many services and Support Groups? 


Joyce Osowski, 330.460.7341

Jim Rauschenbach