September 15

…”Jesus said to his disciples: “The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones.” Today’s Gospel is a powerful reflection on good stewardship. The wiser we are with all that God entrusts to our care, the more God will entrust us with gifts, blessings and the opportunities we need to do the work of the Lord. How well are we using our gifts and talents that God has given to us? Are we using and sharing them to build a better world of peace and compassion for all God’s people?

…This past Tuesday (I write the bulletin on Tuesday evening), the Saint Ambrose School seventh graders were having a retreat day reflecting on the theme of “keeping our promises – to God, to self, to others.” It was really calling them to be those trustworthy stewards of the Lord. It was a good discussion on what it means (and how it feels) when they, and others, keep and break promises. All of us are best when we do what we say and promise. We need to do it for ourselves, for our family and friends, and especially for the Lord.

…Speaking of Saint Ambrose School – our Preschool and Day School are off to a great start for the year. Mrs. Cinadr and Mrs. Mitchell are working hard to make sure that we keep our promise to make sure we are everything, for every student, every day. This past week, we introduced Mr. Chris Dziedzicki as the new Director for our High School Prep program. Mr. D has been teaching at SAS for ten years in our HSP program. In this new role, he will make sure our students graduate from SAS with everything they need for a very bright and successful future.

…This weekend we celebrate Catechetical Sunday. It’s a moment to give thanks to God for all our members who are sharing their gifts and talents in the ‘teaching’ ministry of the Church. Our Parish School of Religion is off to a great start. Special thanks to Mrs. Janet Majka and her team of our members who are working to teach and witness to the promises of Christ to our young people. We are blessed to offer a full compendium of programs for all the children of God. Special thanks to all our catechists. May God bless and inspire you as you pass on what is most important – our faith and love in the Lord.

…We have great programs for our young members. We also have GREAT programs and opportunities for all adults to continue to be life-long learners in the ways of the Lord. Among the programs, we are starting ten small discussion groups based on our faith and the Bible. It’s a great way to meet some good people, engage in meaningful conversation and use your time to deepen your trust in the Lord. For more information, visit our website and/or contact Jane Baldwin (330.460.7381 or

…We had a great Pastoral Council meeting this past week. We are blessed to have 20 of our members sharing and using their time, talent, faith and energy to help make sure our parish is working and growing in the ways of the Lord. There was great energy and a real sense of hopefulness and joy about our parish community and the good we do together for the Lord.

…Over the past couple of weeks, I have had the joy of welcoming and meeting with about 20 families who are new to our parish community. It’s a blessing to listen to them talk about what they see and experience at Saint Ambrose. They speak passionately about your welcome and warmth. They talk about the beautiful grounds (God bless our members who are caring for our grounds). So often they share an experience they’ve had that has brought them back to Church (the care and support of the wonderful people who sing, serve and provide loving and beautiful funerals and funeral luncheons). I share with them what I often share with you: every day I am humbled by you – so many who are using your gifts and talents in service to the Lord and our community at Saint Ambrose.

…If you are new to our community and would like to register as a member of the parish, please go online to: and/or call the Parish Office (330.460.7300). It’s great to have you!

…God bless Deacon Tom and Helen Sheridan. They are leading the Marriage Course which has 13 couples registered. They are coming to ‘take care’ of what is most important – their marriage – their love – their friendship. It’s an easy and comfort-able way to keep your marriage fresh, renewed, strong and alive.

…Hold the date! We are very blessed to welcome Dr. Peter Kleponis to Saint Ambrose on Monday, November 14 at 7:00 pm. He will come to share some helpful information on a huge struggle and societal problem – internet porn addiction. It’s a source of great pain and struggle for many across our society. It often is a cross beyond words that impacts marriages, families and healthy, holy living. There is help. There is hope. All things are possible in Christ. Save the date and watch for more information.

…Another struggle in our society is the heroin epidemic. Thanks to one of our college students, we have developed a website to offer hope and resources. Go to: Understanding…Family…Christ – are greater than heroin. Together we can bring the Light and Hope of Christ to all who are in need.

…Starting this week, you can go online to our parish website to hear one of the songs from the weekend Mass, along with a Scripture reading and homily. It’s one more way that we can continue to use our days and our time to reflect more deeply on the promise of God in our lives. Go to: God is trustworthy!

…Our Summer Festival Committee is meeting this coming Wednesday at 7:00 pm to recap last June’s event and start planning for 2017. The summer festival (our tenth) will help us kick off the 60th anniversary of our parish community. We could always use some new faces, fresh ideas, and your energy on the Planning Committee. Please join us in the Mother Teresa Room.

…Every day/night our parish is filled with our good members who are learning, growing and serving in the ways of the Lord. It’s a blessing to see, hear and experience so many sharing time – and talent – and treasure for the work of the Lord and our parish community. God bless you.
