…”And Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a descendant of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.’” Today’s Gospel is the familiar story of Zacheus. He has a deep desire to see the Lord and has turned his life to Christ. Jesus embraces him with the promise of heaven. The Gospel inspires two reflections: each day are we willing to climb a tree or do whatever it takes to seek the Lord? Who do we know that we can bring to Christ? Jesus comes to seek and save those who are lost. Who are those people? How can we invite them to come to the Lord?

…As we bring to a close the Red Ribbon week, it’s a moment for us to reflect on the heroin and drug crisis that is gripping our country and our community. Last Tuesday we gathered about forty civic and religious leaders from our community to discuss the problem and how we can work together to create both awareness and the support someone needs to break this addiction. We are working together to build a website filled with resources and support. If you know someone who is struggling, or a family who needs some help and support, send them to: www.GreaterthanHeroin.com. Understanding is greater than heroin. Faith…Family…Christ can help anyone break the grip of addiction. Jesus comes to seek and save those who are lost. Who can we help bring to the Lord to find the help and hope they need?

…In the same way, we are blessed to welcome Dr. Peter Kleponis to our parish on Monday, November 14 for a presentation on Internet Pornography. It’s not easy to discuss but it is a real problem that grips young and old – male and female – alike. Parents should come to make sure they have good information to raise their kids. See today’s bulletin for more details. Come and learn more. Jesus comes to see those who are lost and stuck in the grips of addiction. We can help. Christ can light the path to healthy and holy living.

…Many thanks to all who are responding to our stewardship appeal efforts. Every one of us has a gift and talent we can share to bring the light of Christ to our world. Let’s be honest – our world desperately needs the light of Christ. As you receive your Stewardship Appeal packet, please take a few minutes to prayerfully reflect on how you can let your light shine. Our parish is best when all of us find a way to connect to our community. There are a variety of ways to grow spiritually. There are many ways to serve our parish community and do the work of the Lord. Let your light shine. We need you.

…Speaking of the need for some ‘Light’, as we approach and prepare for the General Election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, all of us need to turn to the Lord for God’s guidance and wisdom. This Tuesday evening at 8:00 pm and next Monday night at 7:00 pm, all of us are invited to come together for a Holy Hour asking and interceding God to give us the wisdom and insights we need to choose wisely and do what is best and right for the good of our country. Please join us.

…Last Sunday I watched one of our young members write the name of his grandma in the Book of Remembrance that is at the doors of the Church. It was touching to watch him write ‘my grandma’ as a special way of remembering his loved one who has been called home to the Lord. Please inscribe the names of your loved ones called home to the Lord. These books will be included in part of our All Saints (November 1) and All Soul’s (November 2) celebrations.

…These special days are part of the richness of our Catholic traditions. We believe firmly in the promise of heaven and the blessing to be able to look to the saints as role models of faith who can inspire us on our own walk with the Lord. The Feast of All Saints is a holy day of obligation. Mass will be celebrated on Monday at 7:00 pm and on Tuesday at 8:15 am, 12 noon and 7:00 pm. On Wednesday evening, we will hold our annual All Souls Mass at 7:00 pm, during which we will remember all of our parish members and your family members called home to the Lord. Please join us.

…Our parish is very blessed to have some of our members committed to bringing the care and compassion of Christ to our homebound and hospitalized. We also have some wonderful people who serve and assist at funerals, in our New Life Choir and those who offer bereavement support for those who have lost a loved one. These ministries bring great comfort and care to those in need. Please consider joining them. Let your light shine.

…Our parish is blessed with some very helpful and comforting Bereavement programs and support groups. If you have lost a loved one, please let us help you walk through this difficult time. Contact Lisa Homady for more information (LHomady@StAmbrose.us or 330.460.7315). Let you light shine as we help you lift the sadness of loss.

…It was a great week for Saint Ambrose School as they finished the first quarter and completed their Read-a-thon raising over $15,000+. This will support both reading and some of the ‘extras’ that make our school a great place to be for all our students. Mrs. Cinadr and her team are really working hard to make sure that we are providing everything every student needs….every day. Thanks to all who supported the Read-a-thon. This coming Monday, all of our students will be enjoying an Autumn Harvest Celebration – a time of giving thanks and having fun for all the blessings in their lives and in our school.

…Please make plans to bring your family and friends, who are advancing in years and/or declining in health, to Mass on the weekend of November 12/13. We will be celebrating the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at all the weekend Masses. Help us bring the healing care of Christ to all your family and our parish family members.

…This weekend is National Priesthood Sunday. It’s a moment for us to thank God for the gift of priesthood. Father Rob took the junior high of Saint Ambrose School for a tour of the seminary. Last weekend we welcomed newly ordained Deacon Matt Jordan to our community. He will be spending the next six months gaining field education experience at our parish. It’s a moment for us to pray that some from our parish will hear and respond to God’s call to serve the Church.

…Jesus wants to seek and save what was lost. How can we use this week to come to the Lord and bring the presence of Christ to those in need? Let your light shine.
