November 3, 2016

…”But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. We are confident of you in the Lord that what we instruct you, you are doing and will continue to do. May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the endurance of Christ.” Saint Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, offers us great comfort. The Lord is faithful. The Lord will guide and direct us. The Lord will bless those who endure faithfully in the love of God. Our hope is in the Lord – now and always. In these days between the World Series and the upcoming election – we need to find our hope in the Lord. We also need to allow God to guide and direct us in our choices and actions.

…Please join us on Monday for a Day of Prayer that God will guide and direct our nation in the upcoming election on Tuesday. There is Adoration in the Chapel throughout the day. On Monday at 7:00 pm, please join us as we come together to pray the Rosary. May God guide your decisions in the election. May God watch over and guide our country always.

…The Lord is faithful – in all the moments of our lives. Next weekend we will invite all those who are advancing in age, or declining in health, to experience the healing grace of God through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at all the Masses. It is a blessing to be able to share the tender mercy and compassion of the Lord with all our members who are in need. Please bring your family and neighbors with you to Mass next weekend.

…We always want to extend the care of Christ to our homebound and hospitalized members. If someone you know is hospitalized or needs a home visit, please never hesitate to contact us at the Parish Office (330.460.7300).

…Last Tuesday, on the Feast of All Saints, we were not able to visit three of our local nursing homes with Communion because there was no one available. If you can help us out, even once and a while, please contact Deacon Gary. We always want to make sure that all of our members know the faithful love and care of the Lord.

…Thanksgiving is right around the corner and with it our efforts to provide over 6000 meals for the holiday season. We will be collecting turkeys next weekend – we need 800. We really need your help. We are also collecting frozen pies (apple and pumpkin). You can sign up to help as we prepare to serve meals at 16 sites in Cleveland, Akron, Berea and Brunswick. For more information, see today’s bulletin and/or go online to volunteer to help at:

…Thanksgiving is a blessed opportunity for us to put our faith into action. In these autumn days, we are all so reflective on the blessings of God in our lives. How can we work together to share those blessings with our sisters and brothers who are in need.

…Many thanks to the hundreds of people who have already responded to our ‘Let Your Light Shine’ appeal. We are inviting all of our members to find one way to share their gifts and talents with our community. You should have received a special packet of information in your mail. Please take some time to prayerfully reflect on how you can give, help, share, and serve the Lord.

…This past week Bob Cebula and I met to discuss plans for our summer festival (June 22-25). We are in need of additional parishioners to join our planning team. It’s fun. Come and meet great people and help us do great good for our parish community. We need you. Please at least come and learn more by joining us for our next meeting on November 14 at 7:00 pm.

…This coming week we are launching our “better than you found it” campaign. Our moms (and dads) taught all of us to leave things ‘better than you found it.’ We have so many people using our campus and our meeting rooms. The goal for all of us is to leave it ‘better than you found it.’ I was inspired last week as I watched one of our seniors picking up scraps of paper from the parking lot. How can all of us make sure our campus and our meeting rooms, fields and gym are always better when we leave? Our moms and dads would be proud!!!

…If you are expecting (or know someone who is), we recently received an order of the booklet, “Prayers for Expectant Parents.” It’s a beautiful prayer book specifically for this very special time of one’s life. If you would like a copy, let me know (

…Over the past four weeks (thanks to the great help of Deb Bonezzi), I’ve met with over forty new individuals and families. It’s always exciting to welcome them into our community and to hear why they are joining our parish. Most often there are two things that stand out – someone invited or told them about our parish and when they came (especially to Mass) someone said hello and welcomed them. It’s the small and simple things that make all the difference. Thank you for your great sense of welcome and hospitality. If you are new to the parish and would like to formally register, please give me a call (330.460.7333) or send an email (

…On the Feast of Christ the King, November 19/20, we are hosting our annual Come Back Sunday. It’s a chance for all of us to invite someone to join us at Mass – and come back – to a new experience of the Catholic Church. Today’s bulletin contains a postcard that you can send (or give) to a family member, neighbor or friend.

…This weekend the Boosters are hosting their Annual Night at the Races. It’s their biggest annual fundraiser to help support the CYO programs. We are blessed with so many who are working so hard for the good of our young people. They are always looking for some coaches and help. To learn more, contact Dan Mog at Let your light shine. Thank you Boosters.

…The Lord is faithful. Each day I see the faithfulness of God in your ‘faithfulness’ in prayer and service to the Lord. May God bless you and your loved ones. May the Lord guide our country this important week.
