…”Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.
Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.” The second reading, on this Labor Day weekend, outlines the ‘work’ we are called to do. We are to be ‘doers of the word’. We allow God’s word to enter deep into our hearts and then put God’s Word into practice. Take some time this weekend to reflect on God’s word. How can you be a ‘doer’ of the Word – and do the work of the Lord?

…We are blessed to have Abbot Gary Hoover, OSB helping with some regularity again at Saint Ambrose. He’s been a part of our community for 27 years. With Fr. Adam being assigned to help on the weekends at Our Lady Help of Christians, Abbot’s return gives us some help and, even more, brings a member of our parish family back ‘home.’ Thank you Abbot Gary!

…On Sunday, September 16, we will be blessed to welcome another member of the Saint Ambrose family back ‘home.’ Father Carlin, who started his priestly career at Saint Ambrose, and worked with Fr. Hilkert to build the Church, will return for the 12 noon Mass and a special ‘cornerstone’ ceremony. Father Carlin helped place the cornerstone in the Church 36 years ago, and will remove it as we prepare for construction which is slated to start on September 17. Please make plans to join us for this special time for our community.

…Many thanks to all who came to the Town Hall meetings last week. It was a wonderful opportunity to give an update on our progress. Last weekend’s bulletin contained an update of information. If you did not receive a copy, you can find one online at: https://stambrose.us/bulletin. The meetings had very honest conversations which are good for our parish family. We are working hard to make best decisions for the good of our community. We look to start construction on September 17th, with completion at Easter.

…Every day I thank God for the goodness of our members. In response to the cost challenges we are facing with repairing and renovating the Church, a few members increased their pledge to the capital campaign, we received a few new pledges, and a number of our members sent notes indicating that they will be increasing their weekly offering. We, as a community, are so blessed. I cannot thank you enough for all you do for the Lord and our parish family.

…The Saint Ambrose Statue and the paver stones have been removed and stored as we begin construction. They will be reinstalled next spring once the building is complete. You will also notice that the music area has been rearranged, along with a side walk installed by Hilkert Hall. Very soon a new exterior door will be installed by the music area. This will make sure we are all safe during construction. Please keep this important effort in your prayers.

…Be doers of the word…..This week we received a note from Boys Hope/Girls Hope. Thanks to your goodness, we were able to send some school supplies to those they care for. They wrote this in the letter, “Saint Ambrose continues to astound us with your generosity.” God bless you for your care and compassion.

…thank you so much for the outpouring of prayers and support for a number of our families who are dealing with sickness and loss. Last Monday the leaders of our care and compassion ministries came together to enjoy a good meal, friendship and ramp up for the new pastoral year. They help us be a force of God’s goodness and compassion in our community. We are so blessed.

….Over the past few weeks, 15 adults have come to learn more about becoming fully initiated members of our Catholic community. They will participate in 8 mini-retreat days to prepare for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. This is the perfect time to ask a family member, spouse, neighbor or friends to come and learn more. For additional information contact Jane (JBaldwin@StAmbrose.us) or Caitlin O’Neill (COneill@StAmbrose.us).

…Next Sunday is Grandparents Day. As part of our Generations of Faith theme for the year, we are asking and encouraging all of our students to come to Mass with their Grandparents. What a great way to honor those who have set the foundation of faith and family for you and your family. We will have a special blessing and prayer card for all grandparents. Spread the word. Invite them to join you next weekend at the Table of the Lord.

…While Labor Day signals a close to the summer season, our parish has been coming ‘to life’ for another pastoral year. Just tonight (Tuesday), the Hand Bell Choir was practicing, the Knights were meeting and planning the upcoming Steak Roast (September 22), the welcome committee was planning some upcoming events for our new members, the Prayer Ministry Team was meeting along with Men’s Ministry. Not bad for one night at the end of August. God bless all who do the work of the Lord in our community.

…This week Al Becka ‘retired’ again…this time from over ten years of working and helping in our Business Office. Al has been such a blessing to our community. May God bless Al and Glenda.

…This is a great week to sign up for PSR and Sunday morning PreSchool (Journey with Jesus).

…Many thanks to Andrea Reppa who starts her ministry of visiting our members at Southwest General Hospital. She joins a great group of our members who extend the care and compassion of Christ to the homebound, hospitalized and those residing in care facilities. Thank you, Andrea, for saying ‘yes’ to the Lord. If you know of anyone who could use a visit, please call the Parish Office. If you would like to join Andrea and our members in caring for our sisters and brothers, please let us know (frbob@StAmbrose.us).

….On this Labor Day weekend, may God bless all who are doers and workers for the Lord. Enjoy this time with your family. God bless.