…”Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up the mountain to pray. While he was praying his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white.” The Transfiguration begins with Jesus and his disciples going to pray. Things change (literally) when Jesus prayed. Things change when we pray. Everything becomes different when we take the time to bring our hopes and fears, needs and concerns, joys and struggles to the Lord. When we step up the mountain and take time with the Lord – prayer – God has the power to change everything. We find comfort, wisdom, strengthen and peace. Our situation and challenges ‘look different’ because of the way God gives us the grace to see differently. Jesus took time to pray. In these Lent days, how can we make more time to pray so we can be changed…in the Lord. Make time, one day at a time, for the Lord.

…Aiden Fitzgerald is a sophomore at St. Ignatius High School. He sent me an email the other day sharing that he has decided to pray every day for ‘people who have no one to pray for them.’ He wanted me to encourage all of our members to do the same. He goes on to quote the Gospel of Matthew, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” He concludes, “we must love them and pray for them as anyone else.” Things change when we pray…and when we pray for those who have no one to pray for them. Thanks Aiden!!!

…Jane Baldwin gave a report at the Pastoral Council meeting on Tuesday that we have over 500 of our members in Lent 1.3 – Faith Sharing Groups. This is a great blessing for our community. Imagine 500 of us coming together for prayer and discussion. Things change when we pray, and especially when we pray together. Please join me in praying that these gatherings will lead to a deeper conversation with God…self…and one another. Let me know how things are going for you in your Lent 1.3 group (frbob@StAmbrose.us).

…This coming Wednesday is the Evening of Confession across the Diocese of Cleveland. It’s a chance to pray and experience the merciful love of Jesus Christ. We are blessed to have 8 priests, from across the region, to join us from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm in Hilkert Hall. Please take some time to ‘climb the mountain’ of the Lord. Your heart will be changed by the forgiveness and mercy of God. Please invite family and friends who need to experience the mercy of God to join you.

…Many of you commented how much you appreciate and enjoy the Lent theme and song – One Day. It’s a classic hymn freshened up by Matt Redman. You can listen to it on YouTube.

…All married couples are invited to a special Lent experience. Marian Badaczewski and Carol Maline have been working to prepare a special Living Your Strengths for Married Couples. It’s a great way to better understand yourself and your spouse. It will make sense of why you do some of the things you do – the way you do it. Please join them on Sunday, March 24 at 6:00 pm. For more information, please contact Carol at CMaline@StAmbrose.us.

…As you have been seeing and reading, the Church renovation is coming along beautifully. The Pastoral Council had a chance to ‘take a look’ at their meeting. They were ‘thrilled.’ John Koliha said it best, “people are going to be overwhelmed when they come in and see how beautiful this is.” Father Rob tells the story after he visited one of our senior members. She hopes and prayers, “that I live long enough to be able to see the Church done. It’s going to be beautiful.” God bless the workers and all who are working so hard to care for the house of God. Easter is coming soon – one day – at a time.

…As we prepare to move back home into the Church, we are going to invite all of our Liturgical Ministers to come together to be ‘refreshed’ and ‘renewed’ in their ministry. Please join us on Sunday, March 24 for a special presentation by Father Andy Turner. He will help all of us reflect on what we do, and why we do it, when we come to the Table of the Lord.

…We are also looking for some new ushers, greeters, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and music ministers. We need you. It’s a great time to stretch yourself to do something special for the Lord when we gather at God’s Table. Please let me know if you are interested and want to learn more or sign up (frbob@StAmbrose.us). All training will be provided.

…Don’t forget to use your Little Black Book….your Rice Bowl (small change makes a big difference)….and the Lent App (Percorso Promise). Lent – One Day – at a time.

…This week we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Feast Day (March 17) and Saint Joseph’s Feast Day (March 19). The Celtic Trinity that will be on the front of the Church reminds us of the image and pattern of God – many persons bound together by the love of God. As we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph, may God bless us in our work for the Lord. Let’s also pray for all the carpenters and construction workers sharing their gifts and talents on the Church.

…We had a great start to our Fish Fry. Please join us on Friday night. We’ve also worked to greatly improve the speed/efficiency of our Take Out orders. Please invite your family and friends to join you for the Saint Ambrose Fish Fry.

…Lent Soup Suppers start this coming Thursday. Join us at 6:00 pm for homemade soup and a great message by The Importance of Passing Down Family Values. This year we are focusing on Generations of Faith as we reflect on how we ‘pass on’ faith, family values, and the promise of heaven to the next generations.

…Many thanks to the School Auction Committee for a great event last Saturday. About 275 people came together to celebrate the blessings of our Saint Ambrose School and Littlest Angels Preschool. They also helped raise funds to keep our school growing and thriving as we work to meet the needs of all our students. I know that many of you read the front page of the Medina Gazette last Saturday which shared the GREAT NEWS that SAS is a P21 Exemplar School. Check it out at :www.medina-gazette.com/News/2019/03/09/St-Amrose-earns-honor.html

This week take some time to pray…pray often….it makes everything different. Things change with the Lord.