A Message From The Diocese

Flu Season Is Among Us

As we continue to learn more about the Flu and Covid-19, we have been taking serious measures to keep our Church safe and clean. We have hand sanitzer stations available at all Church and facility entrances and we will continuously clean and wipe down our surfaces with cleaning and sanitizing wipes.

It is important that we all do our part to eliminate the spread of germs. Remember to thoroughly wash your hands and avoid contact with others that are sick.

During the season of Lent, we will be refraining from a physical gesture (handshake or hug) during the Sign of Peace. We will use this as a time to pray for those we most need to forgive and be forgiven by in these Lenten days. We will also refrain from sharing in the Precious Blood at Communion and use this as a way of stirring a deeper desire to Thirst for the Lord in our lives. Let us use these Lenten days to focus on the heart of Christ that calls us to be instruments of peace … the hands and feet of Christ in our world .

To read more about what we are doing, click here to read a full statement from the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland.

If you feel you need further support, please contact our Parish Office at 330.460.7300 to be connected with a Deacon or Priest.