We journey together into a bright and hopeful future….

Over the past sixteen months, throughout the pandemic, there have been two things that have been a source of eternal strength and comfort – the grace of God and the goodness of our members.  Over and again, in so many ways, the spirit of care, cooperation and compassion have been inspiring and allowed us to journey through a very difficult and often confusing reality.   Thankfully, we are coming to the next moment of the journey which is allowing us to renew our parish community and restore some key components of our prayer and worship.

Through the pandemic, we have worked to make decisions that would be safe, comfortable and responsible for our members, our parish staff, and our entire community.  We want to make sure that every member has a comfortable and meaningful opportunity to join our parish in prayer and worship.

Starting this weekend, there are some ‘step forwards’ that you will find/see/experience when we gather for weekend Mass.

  • We will continue to live-stream our weekend Masses so you can join us from the safety of your home, always. The nice weather has allowed us to also bring out the benches for those who wish to join us for weekend Mass and pray outdoors.
  • An Outdoor Grotto Mass, twice a month on Saturday at 6:30 pm (schedule in the bulletin), will continue, as well as the Drive Thru for Communion every Sunday at 1 pm throughout the summer.   Hopefully, this will allow everyone to have an opportunity to join us in prayer and receive the Eucharist.
  • Mass will be offered on Saturday at 6:00 pm in the Church on those weekends that do NOT have an outdoor Grotto Mass scheduled (starting on Saturday, June 5, 2021 remainder of schedule in bulletin). Everyone in attendance will be required to wear a mask. This will be most comfortable for some of our members.
  • For the time being, song sheets will be used, and we ask that you take them home with you after Mass.
  • We will continue the practice of having baskets at the entry for your collection envelope and offering to the Lord and our parish community. Thank you for your continued support.
  • Hand sanitizer will continue to be at the entrances of the Church. Please make good use of it.
  • Per recommendation of the CDC and Medina County Health Department, those who are not vaccinated should continue to wear a mask. If you are comfortable wearing your mask at Mass or don’t mind wearing your mask or for health reasons must wear one, please continue to do so.
  • Holy Water will return to the Holy Water Fonts. It is always your option to make use of them or not.
  • The center section of the Church will return to normal seating. There will be rows in the side sections that will be marked with every other row spacing.  Some will be more comfortable with the additional space.
  • All the doors of the Church are open for both entry and exit.
  • We will be inviting you/families to present the Offertory Gifts in July.
  • For the time being, we would ask that at the Sign of Peace you simply offer a word of peace, a gesture, nod/bow of your head.
  • For your comfort and well-being, we will continue to ask the Eucharistic Ministers to sanitize and wear a mask during the distribution of Holy Communion.
  • We will refrain from offering the Precious Blood at Communion (per Diocesan guidelines).
  • Please continue to make best decisions for your personal health and well-being. If you have a temperature, cough, sniffles or are not feeling well, please join us for Mass from the safety and comfort of your home.
  • Please invite your family and friends to join you again in-person for Mass.

We will work very hard to make sure that all of our members have a safe, comfortable and responsible way to join us in prayer and share in the life of our community.

As you can see, we are continuing our best practices, along with live-streaming, outdoor Masses and events, and working to find ways that all of us can pray and walk together into a bright and hopeful future.

The blessing is that we are together and taking steps forward.   The challenge is that we are moving into another time of transition and change.  Please be gentle with yourself, and compassionate towards one another.   By God’s grace, and your goodness, we will have a great summer – together – at Saint Ambrose and journey into a healthy, holy and blessed new pastoral year in September.

If you have any questions, or need clarification/additional information, please feel free to contact me ([email protected])

Thank you for your continued support for our parish community.   We walk together into an exciting summer and a bright and hopeful future.   All the summer event plans/schedule can be found on our website:  www.StAmbrose.us/summer.

God bless you and keep you in His care.

Father Bob