Leaving a Legacy

The Saint Ambrose Endowment Foundation was blessed to be named in the Last Will of two members this past year.

This story of one of our donors is truly humbling…The donor was a simple person, unpretentious but very thoughtful, caring and loved God – and our Parish Community. When all our members were asked to make a commitment to the church renovation, she wasn’t able to make a financial contribution at the time. However, she made her final contribution to the church by leaving Saint Ambrose her entire estate. The legacy of this simple, kind-hearted person will echo for many years, as her contribution allows us to carry on the mission of Christ throughout our world.

What is your legacy?
How will people remember you?

If you are interested in learning more about the Saint Ambrose Endowment Foundation – or how you can remember Saint Ambrose in your will, please contact Jake Bihari at JBihari@StAmbrose.us or 216.215.5015

A heartfelt THANK YOU to all who have made contributions to the Endowment Fund this year. Learn more about those who contributed this year by viewing our Annual Report at StAmbrose.us/Annual Report.

Lisa Cinadr, Jake Bihari, Chuck Cangelosi, Bob Downs, Randy Fuerst, Robert Heinrich, Michael Kohler, Mike Kubasak, Carol Maline, Kathy Plavecski, Father Bob Stec, and Heather Welsh