Novena to our Blessed Mother

September 29 through October 7

A novena is a nine-day prayer that can be prayed for a specific saint or for a special intention. Some novenas are said in one day, or over nine months, but typically you repeat them over nine consecutive days.

The Novena to Our Lady of The Rosary is prayed in relation to the Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary whose Feast Day is on October 7.  The Feast Day of the Rosary was instituted by Pope Saint Pius V in thanksgiving for the Blessed Virgin’s assistance in the Christians’ victory over the Muslim army at the battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571.

The practice of praying a novena for goes far back in both Jewish and Christian traditions. In the Bible, the number nine is associated with suffering, purification, and new beginnings. One of the first novenas was when Mary and the disciples waited and prayed for the Holy Spirit for nine days between the Ascension and Pentecost. When you pray a novena, you’re entering into a long and powerful tradition of praying for nine days!

October is the month of Mary. Please join us as we honor our most Blessed Mother with the Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary, starting September 29 through October 7.