330-460-7300 | 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick, Ohio

Priority Enrollment Opens for the 2025-2026 School Year!

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2025-2026 K-8 Online Enrollment

PRIORITY ENROLLMENT FOR 2025-2026: Begins Friday, January 10th, 2025
For our school, preschool and registered parish families.

OPEN ENROLLMENT: February 7, 2025, until spots are filled.
For families outside our parish and school.

Enrollment takes place ONLINE ONLY. Click the REGISTER ONLINE button to enroll your child and pay the registration fee online. You will receive an email confirmation of your registration.

Visit our Admissions Process Tab for detailed admissions process and timeline information. Visit our Preschool Page for ages 2-5.

Parish Registration

We welcome you to join our parish community, to grow in a family of faith, and experience the wonderful things at Saint Ambrose Parish!

Eucharistic Adoration

Come and spend some time in prayer during Eucharistic Adoration as we “watch and wait," remaining “silent” in His loving Presence.

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