“…So Jesus again said to them in reply, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves, “Then who can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.” The scriptures this weekend clearly remind us that each of us is going to have to make our accounting before the Lord. We trust in God’s mercy. We also need to do our part – to be wise and thoughtful stewards of all that God entrusts to our care. Think about how eager a young child is to help out – at home, at school, anywhere. How can we recapture some of that same eagerness to help, give, share and serve the Lord? It’s important for all of us to use our time and talents in ways pleasing to God that builds up a better world in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

…This weekend begins a ‘series’ of opportunities that all of us will have to help, give and share in the ways of the Lord. This weekend is our Catholic Works of Mercy Blanket Sunday. We are collecting new and gently used blankets, sheets, and towels that can be used to help our sisters and brothers in need as we prepare for the winter months. We are also beginning the process of collecting new and gently used winter coats for both adults and children. These can be brought to the narthex or the Parish Office. Right around the corner comes our efforts to provide over 7,000 meals at Thanksgiving. We need lots of help and lots of turkeys. Watch for details in the next few weeks. It’s a great way to give, help, serve and share with the Lord and those in need.

…By the time you read this, the steeple should be gone from the top of the Church. As you may recall, the damage to the seams of the steeple were substantial to the point that it needs to be rebuilt. I love the steeple on our Church….it stands tall and shines bright as a beacon of Christ’s light, hope and goodness in our community. It represents the goodness of you…our members…working together in the name of the Lord. “You are the Light of the world”…. We are called, even more, in the absence of the steeple, to make sure we are carrying the light and love, mercy and compassion of Christ to our community. The repair/rebuild should take about 8 weeks and is being done by the same company that fabricated it when the church was built. With the removal of the steeple, all the demolition work is done on the Church….now comes the time to repair and rebuild.

…Many thanks to our Parish Finance Council for their efforts for our parish community. Last weekend they presented the Annual Report at all the weekend Masses. Thank you for your support for our parish. The Annual Report, which you should have received in your home this week, is a complete presentation of the good you do and the generous support you give for the work of the Lord and our parish community. May God bless you for sharing your time, talent and treasure with the Lord.

…Last weekend’s Autumn Harvest celebration was simply wonderful! It was great family fun and enjoyed by so many in our community. Special thanks to the Boy Scouts for setting up the Corn Maze. Our parish is blessed with great scout troops on all levels. Scouting is an amazing way to reinforce strong values and character. You see that in our scouts and the good they do for our community. They also have a ton of fun!!!

…Many thanks to the Noah’s Ark ministry for a wonderful Pet Blessing last Sunday. There was a great crowd for the Pet Fair and Blessing. It was beautiful to see so many with such tender care and love for their pets.

…Next weekend is our Annual Ramserfest (Oktoberfest). Mass at 4:30 pm will have polka music. Dinner and Dancing will follow in Hilkert Hall. There are still tickets available at the Front Office. It’s a fun night with great food and friendship. Please join Father Rob for a great evening out.

…This week we welcome Adam Storey to our parish community to lead our Fall Mission. Join us on Sunday- Monday – Tuesday for a time of prayer and reflection. Adam will help all of us reflect on the blessings of God in our lives, as well as discuss how we can strengthen the bonds of faith and family both at home and in our community. His presentation starts each night at 6:45 pm. Come and use these autumn days to reflect deeply on the presence and blessings of God in your life.

…Adam is the Director of Marriage and Family Life at The Catholic Diocese of Des Moines. He has a special focus on helping strengthen marriage and family life. All married couples are invited for a light supper and short presentation on Tuesday at 6 pm (prior to his presentation at 6:45 pm). Come for some nourishment and food for married life!!

…Every day I thank God at least a hundred times for you…and the blessing of our community. This past week I was so grateful to God for our Littlest Angels PreSchool team. The State of Ohio came for an accreditation visit as part of the Step Up to Quality initiative. Our LAPS was given the best possible ratting of five stars. This is a great affirmation of the work and efforts of our LAPS team. They are great teachers as well as creating a faith-filled environment for our youngest members to grow and thrive. Congratulations to our Littlest Angels Preschool team.

…Father Rob is having a Polka Mass on Saturday night….this coming Tuesday, the students of Saint Ambrose School will celebrate Mass in Spanish. It’s part of the way to strengthen both their understanding of the culture and Spanish language. It’s at 1:00 pm. All are welcome.

…Many, many thanks for the overwhelming cards, cakes, posts, texts and tweets as I celebrated my birthday last week. It was overwhelming and extremely humbling. Thank you for your kindness and support. I pray for you every day. I am so blessed to share my life and ministry with you at Saint Ambrose. Thank you so much!!

…As you know, I write this letter on Tuesday evening. Earlier in the night, I was at the Priest Convocation. At table discussion, we each needed to share something that ‘inspires’ you as a priest. My answer was easy….YOU…..every day I witness your love for God and you living the Gospel in so many ways….and I am humbled by your goodness and inspired to do more for the Lord and our community. Thank you so much. God bless you. Have a great week.