Welcome to Saint Ambrose!
We are here to serve you and your family during this Christmas season.
There is something for everyone this Christmas and many opportunities for prayer, worship, service, and family fun! We hope you’ll join us!
Join us for Christmas Mass
Christmas Mass Schedule
Be the light for someone…invite them to join you at Mass.
Christmas Eve – Tuesday, December 24
3:15 pm Children’s Christmas Concert
4:00 pm and 6:00 pm in Church and Hilkert Hall
8:00 pm and 12:00/Midnight in the Church
Christmas Day – Wednesday, December 25
8:00 am and 10:00 am in the Church
12:00/Noon in Church and Hilkert Hall
Christmas Week Bulletin
Christmas Bulletin & Program
FOLLOW Us on Spotify!
Listen to our parish’s very own Spotify playlist, A Saint Ambrose Christmas.
Special Invitation from Santa!
Watch this special invitation from Santa and share it with all of your loved ones!
Christmas Week Reflection
Watch Father Bob’s Christmas week reflection video!
Advent & Christmas Family Activities
Create lasting memories with your loved ones this holiday season by enjoying festive Advent and
Christmas activities together.
Christmas Tree Blessing | Click Here
Come together as a family to bless your Christmas tree and celebrate the season’s joy and spirit.
Growing with the Gospel
Draw, color and finish a puzzle while learning about the Gospel stories. Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3
Advent Bingo | Click Here
Cross off the boxes as you complete the below acts of goodwill and other Advent activities.
DIY Jesse Tree
Make your own Jesse Tree by printing, cutting, and coloring the pieces. A Jesse Tree is a great way to introduce your children to the stories in the Bible while also counting down until Christmas! Instructions | Pieces