Mental Health Check, Are You Ok?

We know that many of you are dealing with the uncertainty and fear brought on by a virus the world has never seen before. Between financial stress, insecurity with work, school and health, it is a difficult time for all of us right now. We want to help.

Call us today: 330.460.7300

If you’re having a hard time getting through this unconventional time in our lives, please call us. You are not alone and we are doing whatever we can to help you.

While we all scale back and spend more time at home, we ask that you look to God and spend time in prayer. Take time to enjoy the small things that we often take for granted… enjoy your morning coffee for a little longer, read a book that’s been sitting on a shelf for a while. Call family members to catch up, bundle up and take a daily walk, indulge in a new show.

While we spend time apart, we are NOT alone. Call us if you need anything,

we are in this together.