Our Counting Crew Is Amazing!

I guess we could call the group of volunteers who help with the Sunday Collection each week another one of the “blessings” at Saint Ambrose. Envelopes are many, and so are the number who spend their time each Monday morning slitting, sorting, counting and adding.

Many ‘kudos’ to Patty Lewis (under self quarantine) who leads and organizes the schedules for everyone and assures that each Monday I never have to worry…a counting crew will be there. She keeps and updates the Sunday Collection Procedure Manual which is an invaluable tool for all.

Covid19 has forced many changes, as well as the ‘stay at home’ mandate. I thank Mike Lanzarotta and Al Becka for being there for us during this critical time and continuing the counting process (so important to our parish) without interruption. They were there when so many couldn’t be.

Donna Howski and Barb Wachs altered their normal monthly schedule and came in every other week for data entry and deposits. Our Check Master and Cash Master, Val Gliebe and Nancy Niemesch, were there every other week also. We owe them abundant gratitude for the extra hours spent and their willingness to help.

My job is made easier by these outstanding men and women who comprise our “Counting Crew”. Many hands make for light work…nothing could be truer. So many are behind the scenes here at Saint Ambrose – so many we depend on in so many different ways – who make such important contributions. As we do here at Saint Ambrose…Together – for the glory of God!

“THANK YOU – ONE AND ALL”! – Lynn Rogers