Serving Others | CWM Recap 2021-2022

“Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.”
– Matthew 25:45

What a year! This year, our parish community has touched the lives of those in our community in an abundance of ways! THANK YOU to our wonderful parishioners who have generously supported Catholic Works of Mercy. Your donations have allowed us to truly change the lives of some of our clients.

How WE helped this year – 

Saint Patrick’s Day Corned Beef Dinner

We were blessed to have 350 people support the fundraiser in March. The money raised helped those in our area who were in need in various ways.

Easter Meals & Baskets

During Holy Week, we provided 135 families extra food for a delicious Easter meal. We also teamed with the Knights of Columbus to provide Easter baskets for all the children.

Christmas in July

We were able to supply over 200 St. Rocco’s school students with all the needed items on their school list. We were also able to meet the needs of over 65 local students and various teachers in the Brunswick community.

Mercy Monday

On the first Monday of the month, this continues to be a great success thanks to the kindness of our generous parishioners. These collections help support CWM food pantry as well as the Peanut Butter and Jelly Brigade.

Community Meals

Over 5,000 meals have been served through our Community Meals ministry in the last year. A huge “thank you” goes out to our fiat group for doing the Super Bowl of Caring to support this great program.

Blanket Sunday

October brings warmth and comfort to those in need with donations of items such as blankets, towels and sheets. We are so very blessed by the parish’s continued and generous support.

Christmas Kindness Pines

Together we passed out nearly 1,700 gifts to the less fortunate of our community. These gifts not only bring happiness to these people but gives them hope for a brighter future. In addition to gifts, the families are given enough food for about ten days.