330-460-7300 | 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick, Ohio

Breakfast with Santa

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Breakfast with Santa

December 8 | 8:00 am – 11:00 am 

Our magical Winter Wonderland is back! Come for a great pancakes & sausage breakfast, fun crafts & photos with Santa & Mrs. Claus! Snap some great pictures with your phone!

$8 per ticket. Children 2 & Under Free! Includes pancake & sausage breakfast, crafts, and photos with Santa & Mrs. Claus!

Purchase your tickets today! 

Parish Registration

We welcome you to join our parish community, to grow in a family of faith, and experience the wonderful things at Saint Ambrose Parish!

Eucharistic Adoration

Come and spend some time in prayer during Eucharistic Adoration as we “watch and wait," remaining “silent” in His loving Presence.

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