330-460-7300 | 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick, Ohio

Hearts of Hope Widows Support Group

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Event Series Event Series: Hearts of Hope

Hearts of Hope Widows Support Group

Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm.

It’s Christ who stands with us always, and especially when you commend your spouse to the Lord. Hearts of Hope is a group of widows who come together to share conversation, prayer, and community. Our hearts will always find the help and the hope we need.

All are invited to come and enjoy our new friendship. Bring yourself a snack and drink if you like!

Please contact Lisa Cinadr to RSVP for the next meeting. [email protected]

Parish Registration

We welcome you to join our parish community, to grow in a family of faith, and experience the wonderful things at Saint Ambrose Parish!

Eucharistic Adoration

Come and spend some time in prayer during Eucharistic Adoration as we “watch and wait," remaining “silent” in His loving Presence.

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