September 29, 2016

…”The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” The Lord replied, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” This weekend’s Gospel gives us the perfect prayer and the hopeful promise of the Lord. The prayer is simple – Increase our faith. The promise is ‘everything’ we need to do all things in Christ. The prayer and the promise should give us great hope in the Lord. As we enter into the month of October, Mary sets the perfect witness to the promises of the Lord. She repeatedly said ‘yes’ to the Lord and in so doing found the grace, strength and courage to do things beyond her own imagination. Our prayer this week is simple – increase our faith – trusting in the promises of the Lord.

…The month of October is a full and busy month for our parish community. Today’s bulletin is packed with wonderful opportunities to grow closer to the Lord in prayer, reflection and service. It’s also filled with wonderful events to bring us together as the family of God – to share life, friendship, food, fun. Please take some time to review the bulletin/website and find some good things to ‘increase your faith.’

…The next few weeks are also a very important time for our parish community as we invite and call each of our members to “let your light shine.” We are asking each of you to consider a way you can use your amazing gifts and talents to serve the Lord and our parish community. All of us have something we can do for the Lord at Saint Ambrose. It’s a way of sharing your light and together creating a beacon of Christ’s light and presence to all in our community and throughout our region. This weekend you will hear a short witness from one of our members on the blessings that come from their involvement in the life of our community. You don’t need to sign up for ten things. You don’t need to commit to hours a week – simply one ‘yes’ to one thing that fits your life and schedule. As you do so, and make a ‘yes’ the size of a mustard seed, God will provide and give you all that you need.

…Over the next few weeks you will also hear about some of our ministries that especially need some help – some new people – YOU. For example, we could use a couple of new ushers for each of our weekend masses. We need some welcome folk who can serve a couple of times a month. We also need some folks who can help decorate the Church for Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter. It’s fun. It’s creative. It’s such a blessing to care for the house of the Lord. We also need some of our members to serve as Eucharistic Ministers. The training is provided. It’s a blessing to serve. If you can help or want to learn more, let me know and I will connect you with the right people (330.460.7333 or We need you. “Let your light shine!”

…Believe it or not, we are already planning for our 10th annual summer festival. It will be a part of the start of the 60th anniversary of our parish. We are looking for some fresh ideas and fresh faces (YOU) to help us. Many people working together make for a GREAT festival. The next meeting is on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 7:00 pm. We need you. “Let your light shine.”

…As you will read in today’s bulletin, Bob Cebula, our festival chair, is leading a contest to find the ‘best fresh idea’ to improve our festival. Check it out. We need your ideas and energy.

…This week the priests of our Diocese will spend three days together in prayer, reflection and some important discussion about the future of our Diocese. As you know, the number of priests serving is on the decline. The next five years paint a very challenging picture for us. It’s going to involve finding new ways for us to minister and serve the Church. Please pray for us during these days. May the Spirit of God guide our conversations and discussions.

…We are so blessed to have an amazing Fall Mission for your spiritual reflection and growth. We are welcoming composer and musician David Haas and Lori True on Friday, October 14 and 15. Come for an incredible and inspiring concert on Friday night. On Saturday, join us as they help us reflect on how we pray and worship. See all the details in the bulletin and website. You won’t want to miss this special mission.

…Father Rob leaves this Sunday for a two week pilgrimage to Poland and Medjugorje. They will see amazing sites and holy places (John Paul II hometown, Divine Mercy Shrine, Krakow and so much more). Please keep these 20 pilgrims in your prayers as they journey forth. May this trip help them grow in faith, hope and love for the Lord.

…Next Saturday is my favorite night of the entire year…it’s our Autumn Harvest Festival. Join us for a wonderful Outdoor Mass at the Grotto at 5:00 pm followed by great food, hayrides, pumpkin bowling, a great corn maze and so much more. Pictures – Friends – Food – A perfect family night at Saint Ambrose. Invite all your friends and family to join us.

…Our parish is blessed to host a very important diocesan program. On Tuesday, October 18, we will host a FIRST STEP program. The Diocesan Tribunal will share best information about annulments and how to find the healing and comfort of Christ. So many from our parish have taken advantage of this program over the years. It is your best way to work through the annulment process. The following Thursday, October 20, we are blessed to host the training for Special Ministers for Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministry). If you are interested in serving in this special ministry of the Church, please contact Deacon Gary. We need you and this year the training is so convenient (here!!).

…Mark your calendars for Monday, November 14. We welcome Dr. Peter Kleponis to our parish community to help all of us learn about the struggle of Internet Porn Addiction. It’s a serious struggle for many of all ages. There is help. There is hope. Come and learn how you can help yourself and those you love.

…As we prepare for the Feast of Saint Francis, bring your favorite pet to the front of Hilkert Hall on Sunday at 1:30 pm for our Annual Pet Blessing.

…Our young children should inspire all of us to “let our light shine.” Here are some examples of how they served the Lord this past week: “I helped my dad.” “I took time to help my brother.” “I sewed a mouse toy for my cat.”

…”Increase our faith.” That’s the prayer. Mary gives us the best witness and example of the prayer and promise – as we make our ‘yes’ to the Lord, God will give us the grace and strength to move a mountain – for the Lord. “Let your light shine.”
