…”Brothers and sisters:  For those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”   Our second reading, on this Feast of the Holy Trinity, comes from the letter to the Romans.  It’s a clear reminder of the power and promise of the Holy Spirit.  It is God’s Spirit that takes us, many though we are, and forms us together as one family united by the love of God.  The Trinity sets the pattern of our lives and our community.  We come together as brothers and sisters in the Lord.  We come together as one.  It is the love of God that will unite us and sustain us.  As one of our favorite songs acclaims, we are brothers and sisters, united in love.  We are the family of God.

…Over the past six months, many have asked about the symbol that is being proposed over the new entry of the Church.  It’s the Celtic Trinity.  While it is a beautiful piece of religious art, it is really the model of who we are as the Family of God.  All of us – united together and held as one by God’s love.  We are called, as one, to boldly and dynamically proclaim God’s love to all the world.

…Many thanks to all who have responded to our Generations of Faith capital campaign.  It’s a blessing to see so many responding with a gift of love to the Lord for the care of the Church.  Many have also committed to being prayer partners for this important effort for our parish community.  Whatever you discern to do, please respond.  We need to hear from all our members.  Thank you so much.

…Our Summer Festival is rapidly approaching.  Congratulations to Janet Lanning – the winner of the first Early Bird raffle prize.  The festival and the raffle are important to the life of our community and in support of the ministries of our parish.  We need your help in volunteering to work the festival.  We also need your support for the festival raffle.  You can win great prizes and together we can do great good for our community.  Please sign up to help today.    Good news, you can also get your festival raffle tickets online at:  www.BlueFestival.us 

…Many thanks to our Fish Fry Team.  Thanks to their hard work and so many coming and sharing a great meal, we raised $28,600 for our parish.  This money, along with the festival and raffle proceeds, will be used to update the Chapel.  I pray for all the members of our community at every Mass and always in the Chapel.    God bless our fish fry team!!!  Thank you one and all.

…God bless the K of C….as of this writing (Tuesday night) they have about 280 people coming to the Rat Pack Dinner Show this coming Sunday.  The proceeds will support our Special Ed Program.  It promises to be a great night that will bring God’s care to our special need members.

…Speaking of the K of C, last week two of our members were recognized for their outstanding service on the State level for the K of C.  Special congrats to Brothers Jim Maslach and John Brown.  They are amazing servants of the Lord both for our community, Council and for the State.

…Another servant of the Lord is Vincent Sheeler.  He is completing his Eagle Scout project which included building Gaga Pits for our children and students.  The Spaghetti dinner last Saturday was amazing.  Johnny Frohlich and Scouts did an amazing job.  The proceeds will be used to support Matthew Stracensky’s Eagle Scout project to build a pavilion on our campus.  We are blessed with great scout troops.

…Spread the news…..Zach Pytel, who is the choir director for Brunswick High School, is going to be working with our Sunday night 5 pm Mass music ministry.  He’s a great director and has a strong faith and love for God and Church music.  It’s a great way to engage our high school and college students in using their gifts of song in service to the Lord and our community.  If you would like to join the 5 pm MM team, contact [email protected]

…More good news….as we continue to plan for the upcoming pastoral/school year, Ryan Harrington has eagerly agreed to come alongside long time SA Athletic Director Jim Lepi so he can learn the ropes.  Ryan and Jim, along with our Boosters, will continue to work hard to create a great experience for our student athletes and strengthen our CYO programs.  Thank you Ryan for your openness and commitment to serve our community and our sports programs.

…The Track Team had their end of the season celebration the other night.  It was inspiring to hear the coaches talk so passionately about the goodness of each of our student athletes.  I am always humbled and grateful by the goodness and generosity of time and spirit that our Coaches bring to our sports (and scouting) programs.

…Monday is Memorial Day.  It’s a special day to remember all those who have served our country and fought for our freedom.  We especially hold close to the Lord those who lost their lives in service to our country along with their families.  We also pray for those who are currently serving to protect us.  Please join us for Mass at 9 am.  God bless our Vets and those who serve.

…As we enter into the summer season, please watch out for our children.  May God keep all of our young people safe and free from every danger.

…Don’t forget to mark your calendar for our summer festival (June 21-24) and for The FEST (Sunday, August 5).  These are highlights of the summer season.  GREAT family fun!!!!

…As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity, it is a moment to celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit that unites and binds us together as the family of God.  Thank you for all you do for our community.  Together…for the glory of God.