…”But you, man of God, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Compete well for the faith.” The second reading, from the first letter of Timothy, poses a really good thought – a source of reflection. In this time of year, when so many are caught up in sports competitions – Indians, high school football and the Browns – how can we get so caught up in ‘compete(ing) well for the faith’? What a thought. Imagine if we were as driven and motivated to be our best, holiest and boldest witnesses for the Gospel possible. Think of where you spend your time and your energy. What is it that you are pursuing? How much better our lives would be now, and forever, if we competed well for the faith and pursued the ways and things of God.

…During the beautiful evenings of this past week, I’ve taken the time to wander around and see our young athletes working hard during practice to be their best selves. We are blessed with amazing coaches who are really working hard to help all our young people be strong in the ways of God and compete well on the field of play. Listening to our coaches witness to their faith and teach about football – and volleyball – and more, is a source of GREAT hope and inspiration for our students athletes and to me. We are blessed.

…All of our athletes and their families, along with our ENTIRE parish family, are invited to the Autumn Harvest Festival on Saturday, October 8, 2016. We’ll start with a beautiful outdoor Mass at the grotto at 5:00 pm, followed by hay rides, GREAT food, a corn maze, pumpkin bowling and so much more. All for FREE. It’s the perfect (and honestly my favorite) night for the kids, grandkids and the entire family. Hold the date. Make plans to join us.

…It’s amazing that we are bringing the month of September to a close. The month of October – in the beautiful autumn season – is going to be both a blessed and fun month around our parish. While you’re on our site, make sure you check out all the details for the Clambake (October 1), sponsored by our Music Ministry, and the Autumn Harvest Celebration (October 8). On Friday and Saturday, October 14 and 15, we are blessed to have our Fall Mission with David Haas and Lori True. They write a lot of the music we sing in Church. They will perform a great concert on Friday night and a workshop on Liturgy and Worship on Saturday morning. Ramserfest is coming on Sunday, October 23. In many places it would be an Oktoberfest – here – in honor of Fr. Rob – it’s Ramserfest and includes a Polka Mass along with GREAT food and dancing. The Knights of Columbus are planning another great family event on Sunday, October 30 – a FREE Halloween Party for all the kids and grandkids. And so much more…..

…Did you know that this Sunday our Music Ministry is singing the National Anthem at Progressive Field for the Indians Game?!!! What a thrill and a blessing for our members. It’s part of Catholic Family Day. Watch and listen before the start of the 1:10 pm game. You will be so proud of our members as they share their gifts and talents and honor our country. Special thanks to Helen Lanzarotta for coordinating the effort.

…This past week we received word from the Diocesan Finance Office that our annual report was accepted and approved. This is a great compliment to our Business Office (Al Becka, Carol Maline and Lynn Rogers) and the blessed leadership of Mike Mascio and our Parish Finance Council. You will receive a copy of the report in the upcoming Angelus. Thank you for all your continued support which allows our parish to do all the things we do every day at Saint Ambrose. God bless you.

…A few weeks ago I mentioned that we needed a few members who can call out FIVE numbers – that’s right….five numbers. We need some help with our Friday night Bingo game. We need people who can call out the five numbers to verify a BINGO. It’s really simple. It’s really fun. AND it really helps our parish. Please consider giving it a try. If we get four – five people – we only need help once a month for about 2 ½ hours. Thank you for your consideration.

…On the weekend of October 15/16, we will be having our annual Ministry Fair. It’s an opportunity for all of our members to learn about the programs, ministries and opportunities offered in our parish. There really is something for everyone, and the Church is always best when everyone shares and does something to help continue the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. “Let your light shine!” Imagine how much brighter the Light of Christ will be in our community as each of us simple helps, shares and serves in the name of the Lord.

…How will you ‘let your light shine’?

…This past weekend our Community Outreach Team was helping some of our homebound and elderly members. One of the people they served this past weekend called today with a simple message, “I am so grateful….please tell everyone thank you….I really appreciate their help.” You could hear the enthusiastic gratitude from one of our members who clearly knows that we CARE….that he is not alone….that we are here to help. It’s an expression of God’s faith care and concern and love for each of us. If you can help for two hours a month to bring help – and hope – and joy to another, we need you. Please contact Mike Adams (216.287.4152) or Lisa Homady (330.460.7315). Let’s compete for the faith!

…God bless our ALPHA Team. We have about sixty of our members participating in this Scripture-centered discussion group. It’s a great way to stir up meaningful conversations and a deeper faith and trust in the Lord. There are several other small discussion groups that are available. For more information go to: www.StAmbrose.us/FaithSharing.

…When I visit so many of your homes, I see how beautifully decorated your houses are. It’s a sign of caring adults who creatively decorate their homes. We need some of your help to do the same for the House of God. We need about ten of our members to join the Art and Environment Team which is responsible for decorating and making sure the House of God is always beautifully decorated and inspiring. If you can help (many hands make for light work), please let me know. We need people who can arrange flowers or floral displays. Please let your light shine and help us!!

…Compete well for the faith! Have a blessed week.
