…”Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.  For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”   This weekend’s Gospel, as we celebrate this Labor Day weekend, is a powerful reminder of the work we need to do each day and forever.  We must become more like Christ as we die to our self and old ways.  In so doing we will find life and find it to the full.  How can we lose our lives more and more for Christ?

…This week is a very special week for our Diocese as we welcome and celebrate the Installation of Bishop Nelson Perez as the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland on Tuesday.   Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he responds to God’s call to serve our local church.  May he be a wise and gentle shepherd to our Diocese.   Bishop Perez will be meeting the people of our Diocese at regional gatherings over the next few weeks.  On Monday, September 11, he will be coming to St. Basil the Great Parish.  We have a limited number of tickets for the Mass at 7 pm and reception to follow.  If you would like to represent our parish, please let me know ([email protected]).  Tickets are first come, first served.   Welcome Bishop Perez.

…This past week we experienced the power and force of nature through the devastation of Hurricane Harvey in Texas.  Our hearts and our prayers go out to the people who have been impacted and whose lives and homes have been devastated.  We will be taking up a special collection for the work of Relief Efforts by Catholic Charities next weekend. 

…A very humbling moment for me this past week was the number of our member who called and wanted to know how they/we could assist and support those devastated in Texas.  For me it was an overwhelming sign of your goodness, compassion and care.  We are so blessed.

…As we enter into the new pastoral year, we are blessed with a wide variety of pastoral, service and social programs and opportunities.  Our parish is alive and so blessed.  This weekend our Knights of Columbus kick things off with our Annual Steak Roast.  You may recall that last year on this weekend we dedicated the new statue of Saint Teresa of Calcutta outside the PLC.  This year they are working with the Boy Scouts to start raising funds for a new Eagle Scout Pavilion which will be located behind the baseball diamond.  God bless the K of C.  God bless the Scouts.

…Next weekend Father Rob is ramping up the ethnic cooking for Ramserfest!!!  The 4:30 pm Mass will be a ‘Polka Mass’ followed by great food and dancing in Hilkert Hall.  See today’s bulletin.  Please join us for great food – great fun – and great people!

…Speaking of Hilkert Hall, last weekend we had a great celebration of Father Hilkert’s 100th birthday.  Father Carlin did an amazing job preaching at the 4:30 pm Mass.  You will also notice a new picture of Father Hilkert in the PLC as we enter into Hilkert Hall.

…This past week I walked into a meeting in the Lehner Center where many of our catechists (those who teach our children in PSR and other programs) were participating in a training program.  About 15 of our catechists are currently participating in advance training so they can be ‘best’ teachers to your children in the ways of the Lord and the ways of our faith.  This is a blessing beyond words.   God bless Janet Majka and her team for their efforts!  

…Jenna LaGuardia is working hard to strengthen our Junior High PSR program and Junior High Youth Ministry.  Our young people need the values of the Gospel.  Jenna is working with a team of adults and teens to make sure we are doing the best job possible to form the minds and hearts of our junior high students.  If you want to get involved, or learn more, contact Jenna at 330.460.7323.

…Next Sunday is the start of our FIAT year for high school students.  Please spread the word and invite all our high school teens to join us for 5 pm Mass and a great cookout and FIAT gathering afterwards.  If you can help, or want to learn more, please contact Caitlin at 330.460.7837.

…Did you know that every Tuesday evening there’s a prayer service with great praise and worship music??  Stop by at 7 pm. 

…At most of our weekend Masses, we pray for those who are unemployed and underemployed. On this Labor Day weekend, let’s keep them in our prayers and thoughts.

…This Labor Day weekend is also a time for us to give thanks to God for the gift and blessing of meaningful work.   Let us also use this weekend to renew our commitment to labor and work in the ways of the Lord.  In so doing, may we find life and find it to the full.  God bless you. 

…This past Tuesday we had “Grace Bouman Day” at Saint Ambrose.  For almost 35 years Grace is the first one on the campus every day making sure the Church and Chapel are open and in good order for every member.  She gives all of us a glimpse of the faithfulness of God.  God bless Grace.  We pray for her continued health and well-being.  May God give her the strength to continue to labor for the Lord and our community.   God bless Grace!!!

…On this Labor’s Day weekend please join me in thanking all those who ‘work’ for the Lord and our parish community.  We are blessed with so many dedicated and hard-working employees for the parish and our school.  Please hold them in prayer.  I thank God for them and ask you to join me in praying that God will bless all their labors for the Lord and Saint Ambrose.

…Have a blessed week.  Enjoy this long weekend.  May it be a time for all of us to reflect on the work we are called to do in the name of the Lord.