October 13, 2016

…”As long as Moses kept his hands raised up, Israel had the better of the fight, but when he let his hands rest, Amalek had the better of the fight. Moses’ hands, however, grew tired; so they put a rock in place for him to sit on. Meanwhile Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other, so that his hands remained steady till sunset.” Our first reading this weekend is the well-known story of Moses from the Book of Exodus. As long as his arms were raised, the Israelites fought the good fight and were strong because of the Lord. The story also reveals a very important lesson for all of us. Moses needed help and was assisted by Aaron and Hur. When they all worked together, regardless of the need or job, together they found great strength and help from the Lord. Every one of us has a gift we can share, and when we work together, for the glory of God, God is our help and our strength. Aaron and Hur simply held his hands in place. Each sharing their time and their gifts to offer support for Moses. In so doing, everything changed….everything was better. How can we learn from this lesson? How can we continue to share our gifts and talents with the Lord and our parish community?

…This weekend we host our annual Ministry Fair. It’s an opportunity for you to learn more about the 170+ programs and ministries in our parish community that can help you respond to the call to holiness and service that are integral to the life of the follower of Jesus. Take some time to find a way you can grow closer to the Lord through Scripture study, prayer and/or renewal programs. Find one way you can embrace the Aaron and Hur effect – what is some way you can share a little time and some of your talent so that together we can continue the work of the Lord. There really is something for each of us at Saint Ambrose. Let your Light shine!!!

…This weekend, as you wander through the Ministry Fair in Hilkert Hall and enjoy coffee and doughnuts, our Health and Wellness ministry has made arrangements with our friends at Marc’s to make flu shots available to you and all our members. It’s away from the ministry fair, and an easy way to keep healthy as we prepare for the cold/flu season.

…As we look to the colder weather, many thanks for the outpouring of blankets, coats and financial support for our Cold Gear collection last weekend. All the items will be distributed to those in need in the coming weeks. Our K of C also delivered a truck-load of clothes to West Virginia to help them recover from the disasters of this past summer. If you still have coats/gloves/mittens laying around in your closet, we can still use them. We really need about 200 more coats for the people we are helping. Feel free to leave them in the narthex (connector between Church and PLC). Thank you so much for your goodness.

…Last weekend’s Autumn Harvest Festival was a harvest of blessings. We enjoyed GREAT weather…GREAT crowds…GREAT fun….all in all a wonderful celebration for our parish family. Many thanks to Helen Lanzarotta and her team. Helen helps plan a lot of events for our parish and can always use a little help. If you are a planner and would like to help – even just a little – please let her know. Together makes all the difference. For info, or to sign up, contact Helen at HLanzarotta@StAmbrose.us.

…The new playhouse on the playground is a HUGE hit. Many thanks to Sam and Joelle LoFaso for making this possible. It has been used non-stop by our kids and all our neighbors.

…So many projects around the parish are done by our parish members. Most of them are much smaller than the playhouse, but all make a difference in helping us keep up on our campus and parish needs. Dan is a forty-something member who responded to our request for some new members for our B/G team. He says he’s got a little time each month and some ‘handyman skills’ and wants to do his part. If you can help – even a little – together we can keep up and do great things for our community. To learn more, contact Mike (MMascio@StAmbrose.us) or Ken (Kukarola@yahoo.com). We need you. Let your light shine. Thanks so much, Dan, for saying ‘yes’.

…This coming week we are blessed to host two very important programs at Saint Ambrose. On Tuesday, we are hosting the FIRST STEP program which is a wonderful and helpful way for any of our members to work through the annulment process and find healing and closure from a broken marriage. It takes place in the Mother Teresa Room at 7:00 pm. On Thursday evening we are hosting a training session for Special Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers) at 7:00 pm in the Church. If you feel called to serve in this important ministry (assisting at weekend Masses and/or visiting our homebound), we would love to have you. Please contact Deacon Gary today as we need to get you registered in advance (GTomazic@StAmbrose.us). Let your light shine!

…As part of our ministry fair, we are looking for a few couples to join our Couple to Couple Ministry, which works with those preparing for marriage. It’s a wonderful ministry….meaningful and helpful. All the training is provided. No marriage is perfect, but in sharing the ‘reality of your marriage,’ you can help others have a strong start to their life together. Let Your Light Shine. Contact Dennis Koeth for more information (denniskoeth@aol.com).

…Please mark your calendars for Monday, November 14 at 7:00 pm. We are welcoming Dr. Peter Kleponis to our parish at which time he will speak on internet porn and addiction. His presentation will help you understand the realities of the problem and paths to healthier and holier living. Christ is the way forward and our community can help. Watch for more details.

…This coming week is Red Ribbon Week (October 23 – 31) and the launch of a campaign to address the heroin epidemic throughout our region – “Understanding>heroin”. It’s a problem here in our community and across our region. To learn more, to get good information, to find help and support go to: www.GreaterthanHeroin.com.

….Father Rob and our pilgrims come home from their pilgrimage this Tuesday. It will be a blessing to have them home – the light will shine a little more brightly at SA.

…Aaron and Hur really model for us the Church at its best moments – all of us working together for the glory of God. Each of us has a something we can share for the good of the Lord and for our community. Every day I am so grateful for all who give, share and work so hard for the Lord at SA. I would invite and encourage each of you to “let your light shine.”
