…”Brothers and sisters:  Let us give thanks to the Father, who has made you fit to share in the inheritance of the holy ones in light. He delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the king- dom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” This weekend we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. Jesus is the one who can save us. Jesus is the one who can lead us and show us the path to a fuller life. It is Jesus’ Kingdom of mercy, justice and peace that we are called to work for. In the final days of the recently concluded presidential election, there was a popular Facebook post that acclaimed: “Regardless of who wins the election… Jesus will always be  my  King.”  How  can we use this Feast of Christ the King to re- new our commitment to Jesus Christ – our King? How can we deepen our commit- ment to use our gifts and talents to build up His Kingdom?

…Jesus’ Kingdom is a kingdom where the poor and hungry are fed and nourished. Jesus, our King, said, “what you  do  for the least, you do for me.” Last weekend, you clearly worked  so  hard  for  the  good of God’s kingdom. We collected 580 tur- keys (and more coming in as I write this) and over 300 pies… along with some cash donations. Together we will provide over 6000 meals to those who are in need dur- ing these holidays. God bless you for your goodness.  Thank you!!!

…It takes lots of hands to feed all these people. We still can use some help. Go online to: www.StAmbrose.us/Thanksgiving to learn more about the days/times/ways we need you!!!

…Our efforts at Thanksgiving are one way we ‘let our light shine’ at Saint Ambrose. So many giving, sharing and helping, all coming together in service to the Lord. Praise be God. Many thanks to those who have started returning the ‘let your light shine’ stewardship forms that came  to your homes last week. We are asking each of our members to simply find one way to get involved – to help out – to share a gift/talent

– to let your light shine. God will bless every offering you make and your/our efforts to build up God’s kingdom. You can also learn more (and find the Stewardship Directory) at: www.StAmbrose.us/stewardship.

…Many  thanks  to  Jane  Baldwin  and  her team of members who coordinate our Stewardship efforts. They continue to look for ways to help all of us use our gifts and tal- ents in service to the Lord. You can see some of this with the steeple tower that is ‘lit’ with the rays of our gifts and talents. It’s located in the narthex (connector between the Church and PLC).

…Speaking of the narthex, in a few weeks it will contain our Angel Tree. All of our members are invited to place an angel ornament on the tree with your family name on it.  It’s a great tradition and always wonderful at the holidays for families to go searching for their ornament on the tree.

…This weekend is Welcome Home Sunday. We have been inviting family, neighbors and friends to come back to Church and join us at Saint Ambrose. If you are visiting, welcome. If you’ve been away for a while – it’s great to have you‘back home’. If there’s anything you need, please let us know (FrBob@StAmbrose.us). All are welcome to join us this Sunday morning for coffee/juice and doughnuts after Mass. There will be some good information about our parish and growing closer to the Lord.

…This past week I had the joy of registering four new  members/families  into our parish community. It’s great to hear about the experience they had when they ‘tested’ out the parish. They feel welcome because you greeted them. They felt com- fortable as you made room for them in the pew. They were inspired as they heard you sing and pray. One of the new members was a young couple ‘church shopping’ be- fore they decided where to get married – you made them feel so welcome. Praise be God.

…Also this past week we had the joy of celebrating First Reconciliation with about 160 of our second graders. It was wonder- ful to see the joy in their hearts as they experienced  God’s  mercy  and   forgiveness. This year we also have about 24 young people who did not have the opportunity to prepare for First Reconciliation or their First Eucharist/Communion in the second grade and are now getting ready for these special moments which will be celebrated at Easter. If you have a  child/grandchild who would like to come to the Table of the Lord, we would be honored to help.  Please send me an email so we can help – FrBob@StAmbrose.us.

…This coming Monday evening we are doing a ‘Teaching Mass’ for our RCIA candidates – those adults preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at Easter. If you would simply like to learn more about what we do when we gather at the Table of the Lord, please join us on Monday at 7:00 pm in the Church.

…Even as  we  work to  feed  so  many at Thanksgiving, you can see the signs of Ad- vent and Christmas stirring around the cam- pus. At the doors of the Church you will find the Advent Giving Trees loaded with items we need for the families our parish has adopted for Christmas. Around the campus, you will see Christmas Trees lining the roadways. If you would like to help out and decorate a tree for fun, or in mem- ory of a loved one –we would welcome and love your help with our Adopt-a-Tree program. Please contact Helen Lanzarotta at HLanzarotta@StAmbrose.us.

…Thanks to those who came to hear Dr. Peter Kleponis last week. His presentation on Internet Porn Addiction was informative, distressing  and  hopeful.  His  statis- tics clearly demonstrate the depth of the problem. It’s impact on teens, adults, marriages and family life was profound. He also clearly held out the hope that comes from Christ and in working programs of recovery. There’s some information on the website: www.StAmbrose.us/InternetAddiction. We are here to help.

…This Monday is the first of three  holi- day grief presentations  we  are  offering at Saint Ambrose. Please let me help you find comfort and hope in times of loss. See the bulletin for details.

…Every day is like Thanksgiving day for me at Saint Ambrose. Every day I find my- self filled with grateful praise to God for you – your goodness – and the wellspring of mercy – and compassion – and hope that is our parish family. I ask God to bless you and keep you and your loved ones in His care. Please join us for Mass on Thursday at 9:00 am.  Start your day by giving thanks to the giver of all that is good.  God bless you.
