”Brothers and sisters: If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing.”   I saw a post on Facebook that read, “We don’t need to agree on everything, but we do need to agree to be kind to one another.”    A good prayer for all of us during this week in which we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis is simply to be ‘kind’ and ‘compassionate’ and ‘merciful’ to one another.  If we all think of one thing – being instruments of God’s peace – we would be a force of God’s goodness in our community and throughout our world.  Let us use this week to be united in one thing – being kind – being an instrument of God’s peace.

…Speaking of Saint Francis, our Noah’s Ark Ministry has been asking all of us to ‘take care’ of the animals who are in rescue shelters.  Thank you so much for your response – and your compassion – and care for all creatures of our God and King.  You will notice the cages by the entries of the Church which are still accepting your support.

…This Sunday we will have our Annual Pet Blessing at 1:30 pm in front of Hilkert Hall.  Come and ask God’s blessing on your pets.  There are also special prayer cards for you.

…This Sunday afternoon our very own Saint Ambrose Music Ministry will be singing the National Anthem as the Cleveland Indians bring to a close the regular season and prepare for “October Baseball”.  It’s also Catholic Family Day at Progressive Field.  Members of our parish will be helping lead the Mass prior to the start of the game.  It’s a great blessing and we promise to say an extra prayer for the team!!!  Go Tribe!  Go Saint Ambrose!!!

…This has been an amazing week in our parish community.  So many people coming to our campus to share good friendship and grow closer to the Lord.  Ladies First, this past Tuesday, was one example.  The gym was filled with women who come for good food, friendship and spiritual nourishment.  It was wonderful.  In the room next to them was our Bereavement Team offering support and care for those who have lost loved ones.  Over in the Parish Life Center, our teens were developing their leadership skills.  And I could go on and on…..so very, very blessed!  United in our service for the Lord.

…We also had a great ALPHA Village and Thanksgiving Meal planning meetings.  So many in our parish working hard to make sure we can bring the care and compassion of Christ to our sisters and brothers in need.  We will be collecting turkeys and pies in November.  We will also be asking you to clean out your closets for gently used winter jackets, gloves and hats.  Watch for details.

…This coming weekend in our annual Blanket Sunday.  It’s one more opportunity to support the efforts of our Catholic Works of Mercy Team as they work to blanket our community and those in need with the warmth and mercy of Christ.  See today’s bulletin for all the details on ways you can help.

…One of our members sent this to me tonight, I want to share with you a conversation I had with a woman at the luncheon yesterday.  She is not a member of St. Ambrose but could not say enough about the St. Ambrose community.   Some of her comments were: we are always ready to help out with any crisis that comes along, for example the accident when we lost the teenagers, the fire at the apartments, feeding people in need at the monthly meal etc.  She also said that the church was so alive and always has something going on to involve not only our church but the entire community.”   We are so blessed!!!  Thank you for all you do for the Lord and our community.

…Next Saturday is the Annual Autumn Harvest Festival.  Please join us for a wonderful outdoor Mass at the Grotto at 5 pm followed by great food, hay rides, pumpkin bowling, mazes, and more.  It’s the perfect family night.  Bring the kids and grandkids as we come together and celebrate the joy of the autumn season.  We have so many reasons to give thanks.

…Max Menkhaus is looking for a few people to join the 4:30 pm Saturday Mass Music Group.  It’s a great way to share your gifts and talents.  It’s easy and fun.  Max promises to make you look and sound good…GREAT.  God will bless every effort.  Give it a try.  Contact Max for more details or to sign up ([email protected]).

…We could really use some help…..we need at least 15 new Eucharistic Ministers to assist at our weekend Masses (and visit homebound if you can).   It’s a blessing beyond words to serve at the Table of the Lord and share the Body and Blood of Christ at Communion.   You will be blessed beyond words in this ministry.  Please prayerfully consider this invitation and contact Deacon Gary for more information or to sign up ([email protected]).

…Saint Martin’s is hosting an important program this Wednesday at 7 pm….Hope and Healing over Heroin at.  Come and learn more.  You can also always find good information at:   GreaterThanHeroin.com.

…All the priests in the Diocese will be gathering with Bishop Perez this coming Tuesday.  It’s an opportunity to reflect on our priestly ministry, along with hearing some of the thoughts and directions of our new Bishop.  Please keep us in prayer.

…This past Tuesday the high school leadership team for FIAT met.  It was impressive to hear their thoughts and see their efforts to help their peers connect more fully with Christ and our community.  Please keep them in your prayers.  They give us great hope.

…Speaking of great hope,  Nicholas Matheis, James Moravcik Jr, and Nicholas Rimacare  are receiving their Eagle Scout Awards on Sunday.  We celebrate with them this incredible achievement.  They are blessed with GREAT families and we are blessed with a strong scouting program at Saint Ambrose.

…Let us be of one mind – kindness – instruments of peace.  Imagine the good we can do with the Lord this week!  God bless you.