Standing in solidarity with Unite The Night we lit luminaries on Sunday, March 29 throughout our church to bring peace and healing during the coronavirus crisis.

We gathered for Evening Prayer for Peace and Forgiveness to reflect on our need for God’s mercy and forgiveness.  If you were unable to see it, watch now at
We lit luminaries as a way of praying that Christ’s light will shatter all the darkness and bring hope and peace to our hearts and our community.

Below are the special intentions we received, please hold them in prayer!

Special intention for my children to return to the churchFrank

Protection and healing for my parents, my family, healthcare works and all suffering from this pandemic around the world

Bill (RIP) and Peggy Hicks Gods healing grace to get well.

my Aunt and Uncle Kathy and Ervin Laszlo serious health conditions

Today, 3/29/20, is my Birthday. Pray for: Son +Rod (Deceased), Mother +Marion (D), Father +Carl (D), and +Grandparents (D), All (D) Family and Friends,

Caronavirus Novel COVID-19 (D) victims; All Poor Souls. Pray for the living with needs: Son Randy and Grandson Dadoren; Nancy, Sunny, Carol, Tom, other

Family and Friends; those with health needs; all Caronavirus Novel COVID-19 sufferers.

My daughter Catherine who is ill

My intention is for the entire world to find peace & harmony through all of this & to remember: Be Still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10

Jaylee Prince

Prayers for my father Gary Brodzinski who passed away in January and for my family that would love to be able to get together during this difficult time.

Please keep my family healthy and safe during these difficult days ❤️

My mother & father, Grace & Robert Leinweber

John H. Brown (grandfather) called home to the Lord on 3/23

For my niece Lindy who is struggling with drug addiction. That she will find God who will heal her.

Preschool-8th Grade Saint Ambrose School Family

Members of the Cinadr and Best Family

for Jenn, Jim and my grandchildren

Larry Bender RIP

Todd Wilson

AJ and Joe to regain believe in God & Michael for healing

Rick Sabol

Fr.Bob, Fr Jeremy  and Fr Lorkowski for all they do to keep us rooted in faith.


Lisa Davis my sister has corona virus

Mary Schreiner

For all the elderly, especially my dad, who live alone and are separated from family and friends during the pandemic. Keep them safe and healthy during this difficult time.

All family, friends, everyone who asked for prayers, the homeless, all who have no one to pray for them, and especially all those suffering from coronavirus..

And for ourselves, that our souls may be at peace.

Mary Schreiner

My daughter and family

Pray for all the residents of RH Manor Senior Housing in Brunswick

Rose Seeholtzer

Tne families of Nicholas, Michael, and Stephen, Roll away the Stone and soften their hearts

We pray for our grandchildren. God bring them back to the Church

Paul and Richard Hibler

Strength & Faith to our Medical Staff & keep them well.

Dianne Mennemeyer

My Brother, Fr. Tim Sauppé


Fred Zwiener Sr.

Nick Topsides neighbor with the virus

Gary Bergen


Anne Gerber

Nancy Steiger, thank you so much!

Frank Gerber

Protect & keep everyone safe especially the children

Dan Molchan special intention as he starts cancer treatment


Grandfather John Montgomery

For Brent, for him to find his way back to the Lord, and his family.

Grandmother Martha Montgomery

Eugene and Donna, exposed to the virus

Rosemarie Basey

Joshua Zelch

Denise & Richard Shultz

My dad … Roger H. Montgomery

Our granddaughter Madilyn

The Von Duhn Family & Marjorie Rutkowski

My niece that she finds God and finds a job.

Albert Szastak


Army Reserve medical specialists deployed to serve on the front lines of the virus war.

William. Please give him strength for his long journey ahead

Sabrina Shultz & our St.

My children and grandchildren that God will touch their hearts.

Dolores Kozlowski, Chris & Scott Snider

John J. Becker

Healing for John O’Neill who is battling cancer during these difficult times

Jack Hassett

Nana & Pa

Thomas Frederick

Juanita Mae Wrobel

Chuck And Cathy Macuga

Luella Rakovec

Maria & Elijah White and Nancy Gyurjan

Phenney family

Mike Thurik and his battle with pancreatic cancer and Carol Thurik to stay strong in the trying time of chemo and radiation treatments during COVID-19.

Praying for those that are working directly with the patients that are battling this horrible virus.

Healthcare workers

Me, my family, my friends, those who are suffering, Covid-19 victims

Bob daugherty

Tanya Kasparek

Maria and Anthony Arnone

In Memory of John Becker

Joe Becker, Roll the stone and open your heart

Family special intention

Jacob Hansen

God’s Healing Power for Nora Murray

For Andy and Celia to stay healthly as they go out in public.

In Memory of Larry Becker, Happy Birthday Love Mom

Family and Friends

In Memory of Alberta Bartunek

Jennifer Botson Wirkus

Dave G.


Brookana Bonezzi and Children

For all those dealing with chronic physical and mental illness


Parents separated from chidren

Our son – Dr. Joseph Easton

Elwood Crawford

That Rook and Dad will be reunited in heaven.

John Egan III

Eleanor Obranovich (mother in assisted living where patient has coronavirus)

Rundell and Mayes families

For my son in his battle of cancer. That we will have some positive news this week from tests.

Bridgette Houdek

Lisa Lewis

For The Safety and Well being of all Healthcare Providers during this time of Crisis

Marie Ginter

Health and well being of my loved ones and God to watch over Fr. Bob, Fr. Bob and Fr. Jeremy who are truly the hands and feet of Jesus bringing hope and positivity to the world in these difficult times

Prayers for the world during this time

Matt Allen and Kaitlin Allen: healing and protection

Find a cure for the Coronavirus and all who are affected heal with a fast recovery.

Antonio and Ryan Amanda Silvestri

For the safety of Emergency department caregivers

Ann Marie Riendeau

Roger Kolakowski

My parents-Gerald Nalesnik (passes in 1984). Gail Nalesnik to remain in good health

Cindy DeAngelis

All the nurses and Doctors and first responders. Bill Bigge

For my granddaughter Miriam that she does not have meningitis or corona virus. And that God bless my daughter Emily and her family during this difficult times, Imas this in the name of Jesus.

Michael Manning

That the second cancer surgery performed on Rosetta on March 26 ( the first cancer surgery was on January 24) will cure her cancer and she can live a long healthy life

For both of my sisters who are being treated for the same cancer.

To help everyone who has the coronavirus and prevent others from contracting it

I would like to lift up in prayer my brother Mike Werner who is about to start treatment for Stage 3 Lung Cancer. My brother Steve Werner who might have to have his other leg removed. And my son Chris and wife Brandi.

For all the seniors in assisted living & skilled care. That they know they are not forgotten & that they are loved.

Lord have mercy on your people and for the whole world amen men

Health,Happiness & Peace for Family & Friends

Barbara Barnes

For all doctors, nurses and those in ancillary services

For this in the healthcare

Praying for an end to this terrible virus that has attacked our world.

Hank Prijatel and safety of the entire family

For health care workers, for

Our families, our country, end of virus in world

Father Bob and the entire Pastoral Staff of St. Ambrose Parish

Conno and Trent Krol

Carol Vandetti

Danielle Lee

Edward Mace brother 7/16/1951 to 3/25/2020. I am broken

Dina DeFrank

Helen Kaucic

For the health and safety of our Saint Ambrose Family

For Cindy and Nick Solar’s Health

All my family and friends – in Heaven and on Earth

I pray for those suffering the most in this time of sadness and fear. I pray for my brother who needs to find his way back to us and i pray that our faithful teens are still practicing our faith!

Strength to continue to be Christ’ like & Christ to others during this difficult time.

Continuous health for my family

My parents and in laws to stay healthy

Freedom from virus for us all, especially my family.peace in our country and the world

Jeff Merklin for healing of mind, body and soul. That he find hope for the future and God’s peace in his heart.


Mark Sabados

My sister who is having surgery on Monday.

Kathy Green who has stage 4 colon cancer.

Jennifer Savage/Tara Plues

That God’s healing hands will continue to keep the Kirchner and Yohman family safe and Brookana Bonezzi and Makenze Lusk safe thru their pregnancy along with their unborn child..amen

Collin Nemet

Elijah Thomas

Tom and Kathy, negative results after exposure to virus

Mrs. Cinadr’s Dad

Collin Nemet

Linda Moser, My Mom

Jim and Kathy Minogue

Mark Sabados

Gail Buttitta – battling cancer

Louis Buttitta – scheduled for complicates surgery on 3/31

Prayer that God watches over my family and keeps us safe.

Elizabeth Mercurio


Peggy- fighting cancer, family & friends during these difficult days

All parishioners and families, all health care workers

Greg Shivak who passed away 3/16

That this time may prove to be a time of the great mercy of God on our world

For our world, Terri and Bob Bartchak and my son who is struggling with addiction.

Susan Walters in memory of her….

Sierra DiMarino, Izzy Caminero, Torreyon Bowling


Katie Ward

Martha and Randal Althar

Pauline and Joseph Maciejewski

Stella Ramser