…”Brothers and sisters: None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself. For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord; so then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” They say you spend your whole life becoming more of who you already are. Even more, what we do here on earth carries us through this life and unto life eternal. The God we love, know and serve is the very same good and gracious God that will carry us to heaven to life eternal. If we live for the Lord here and now, we will be with the Lord forever. This is our faith – our hope – and our path to our eternal reward and glory.

…None of us lives for oneself. Your witnessed this Gospel value last weekend over 17,000 times over. You showed amazing goodness and generosity in the collection for the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Irma. These funds will be sent to Catholic Charities to bring comfort and care to those in need. The compassion of our community is soul-stirring. Thank you for your goodness.

…This weekend we celebrate and ask God’s blessing on all those who serve in the teaching – catechetical – ministry of our parish community. On this Catechetical Sunday we thank God for all who share their faith and their time in helping form and pass on the values of the Gospel to the children of God. Very special thanks to those who lead our teaching programs: Lisa Cinadr,Catherine Mitchell, Chris Dziedzicki, Janet Majka, Brianna Till, Caitlin O’Neill, Jenna LaGuardia, Carla Woodring, and Jane Baldwin. We are blessed with a wide range of programs and opportunities to help all of us be life-long learners in the ways of the Lord.

….Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) and Journey with Jesus are ready to get started for a new year. Children in the first, second and third grade who attend the Saturday 4:30 pm and Sunday 9 and 10:30 am Masses will be excused after the Opening Prayer to go to the Chapel and learn about the Scriptures of the weekend in an age- appropriate way. Children age 3-4-5 are welcome and invited to our Journey with Jesus program – Sunday morning preschool.

…What about those Indians!!! It’s very exciting for our community. As we watch their winning streak continue (at least as of Tuesday night), we are all invited to create our own winning streak – take a few minutes for the next 20 days (it takes three week to form a good habit) to spend with the Lord in prayer. It will change the season – and your life – forever. What we do here and now carries us to heaven and forever.

…Please join us for Catholic Family Day with the Tribe on Sunday, October 1. We will have Mass in Progressive Field at 1:15 pm with the game starting at 3 pm.

…Speaking of sports….we are so blessed to have so many sports and student athletes in our community. All you need to do is wander around the campus any evening to see the wide-array of activities and practices on our campus. God bless all of our coaches.

…This weekend we are blessed to have the Pilgrim Statute of our Lady of Fatima in our Church. This seven day novena is a powerful reminder of the need to make our daily ‘yes’ to the Lord. What we do here carries with us forever.

…Have you met Josh Cochrac? Josh is from Saint Mary Seminary and spending the year in our parish community for an ‘intern’ immersion experience into diocesan priesthood and parish life. He’s great guy and an amazing spirit. We are blessed to have him and pray that God will bless his ‘yes’ to the Lord. This past week our parish staff also met Don Brandt. Don is in his second year (of four) of formation for the diaconate program. Don will be doing his field ed experience at Saint Ambrose. Welcome to Don and Josh. We are blessed to have them with us in our community.

…This past week we had the opportunity to join Bishop Perez at a regional gathering at St. Basil the Great Parish. Bishop Perez brings a warmth and joy of the Gospel. You can see that radiant joy in his smile and warm and genuine laugh. Please keep him in your prayers as he journeys across the Diocese.

…Last Sunday’s kickoff for the FIAT year was great. Lots of energetic teens supported by some great adult volunteers. This Sunday evening we welcome all of our Confirmation candidates to the 5 pm Mass and Confirmation session. We have a great team to help all of our high school students grow in the ways of the Lord and come to a deeper understanding and awareness of God’s presence and action in their lives.

…This past week we had our RCIA information night. We are blessed to have 24 adults who have expressed a desire to grow closer to the Lord and walk in the ways of Christ. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more and/or becoming Catholic, please let me know (frbob @StAmbrose.us). The RCIA begins this Wednesday night at 7 pm. All are welcome.


…Last week one of our members received an amazing recognition. Mr. Bob Cebula was presented with the Presidents Volunteer Service Award by Brunswick Youth Sports. Bob is wonderfully generous in sharing his gifts and talents in our local community and in our parish community. Bob serves as our festival co-chair, coordinates the annual Golf Outing for our students in need scholarship fund, and is a member of our Parish Finance Council. He also holds down the welcome table at our Lent Fish Fry….and more. Congratulations Bob on this recognition. We are grateful for your example of goodness and service in the spirit of Christ.

…The new pastoral year is up and running. You can see and feel the energy around the campus each day and night. We are blessed!!! Coming soon to your mailbox is our annual Parish Directory that contains good information about the programs and ministries that are taking place in our community. There is something for everyone – a place for everyone to grow closer to the Lord, deepen your faith, find the care and compassion of Christ and do the work of the Lord. Please take some time to review the directory when it arrives. How can each of us best serve the Lord??

…Every Tuesday night Deacon Gary and Cathy Clapper are leading a Living in the Spirit time of prayer in the chapel. It’s inspiring to see the group grow and hear the prayers and songs they pray and sing. It’s one more way to stir your soul and deepen your faith.

…Matt Fodor and Helen Lanzarotta have our Music Ministry up and running for the year. They’ve also welcomed some new members. There’s a time and a way for everyone who is interested to join. You can even practice simply by going online to hear the songs for the week. Interested?? Please contact Helen at [email protected].

…In case you missed it, Ramserfest last Saturday was amazing fun – literally – a hoot!!! I had the great joy of singing my first polka (Ee II Ee II Ee II OOOOO). We already secured the date for 2018. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 20, 2018. Thanks to all who made this evening of good food, fun and friendship possible.

…God bless you for all the good you do for the Lord and our community. Your generosity for the Hurricane victims is one more expression of your great goodness.