Something for Everyone!

Men’s Breakfast

2nd Saturday of Every Month

Breakfast on us! Begins at 8:30 am followed by a short witness and spiritual discussion. We wrap up each monthly breakfast session by 9:45 am so that you may enjoy the rest of your Saturday, energized by the Word of God, fellowship, and a free, freshly prepared breakfast. Our breakfast will be held in either Hilkert Hall or in the Mother Teresa Room.

Men’s Fellowship

2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 7:00pm – 8:30pm at Lehner Center-McGiveny (Use side door for entrance)

Men’s Fellowship is based on a series of topics on how to be a Catholic Man in the World today. This is not a Bible study, but discussions that are focused mainly on issues of concern to men in the ordinariness of their everyday lives. The series is firmly rooted in Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. These sessions cultivate fun and build friendships within the community. We learn from one another how to be a better husband, father, son and a single adult.

Contact Ty Tyjewski for information or watch the bulletin for details.


COR Meeting

2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month | 7:00 pm | Fr. McGivney

From Sept 10, 2024 through April 2025

A new program for ALL men of our parish, Knights or not!

“COR” exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity.

Contact Bill Till with questions.


Welcome Weekend for Men

February 22-23, 2025

Our group is an effective spiritual renewal process which calls together the members of the parish. A team of parishioners is properly formed in prayer and love, and instructed in the total process of becoming committed to spiritual growth and ministerial formation. There are no requirements — prayerfulness, loving concern, and simple service are all that’s needed. Jesus is the medium.

As the Welcome Weekend, you will be asked to continue to meet in prayer, song, and formation to put on a Welcome Weekend for the next group of men or women who are called to personal growth in being an active member in Christian community.

CONTACT: John Ballash at

Knights of Columbus (KofC)kofc_logo

An Organization Like No Other…

The Knights of Columbus is the worlds largest Catholic fraternal men’s service organization founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in 1882 to care for the families of deceased members. The Knights uphold four key principles as pillars of the order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. The Council took on the name of Brunswick to represent all of the people in Northern Medina County including Hinckley, Medina, and Valley City. We are guided not only by our belief in God and the Catholic Church, but by our belief in each other, and in ourselves.

The Brunswick Council of the Knights of Columbus meets the first Tuesday and an optional third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 in Lehner Center, with a social hour after regular meetings. The officers attend three meetings a month and are involved in most of the programs that the Knights are involved with, which translates to a minimum of six hours per month.

To join the Knights of Columbus, one must be: over the age of 18; male; and a practicing Catholic as defined by the Church.

We are the Knights of Columbus. Believing that a man is defined by his actions as a follower of God, and as a leader in his community. Believing that a man is more than simply a man when he bears the title of “Knight.”


Council 4847
Dave Heilman, Grand Knight,
Robert Zigmont, Deputy Grand Knight,

Assembly 3105
Joe Gendron, Faithful Navigator,

The Council’s Website ( | The Assembly’s Website (

Knights of Columbus


Upcoming Events

Marriage Enrichment - Building a Eucharistic Marriage Fridays once per month (see dates below) | 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Marriage is hard. It takes a lot of work. Marriage Enrichment is introducing a 7-part video program to breathe new [...]

Centering Prayer

March 18 @ 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Centering Prayer Tuesdays, Beginning September 3rd (except for holidays) | 3:30 - 5:00pm | Pat's Home* *Address will be sent after registration* This method of silent prayer prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we [...]

Hearts of Hope Widows Support Group Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm. It’s Christ who stands with us always, and especially when you commend your spouse to the Lord. Hearts of Hope is a [...]

Centering Prayer

March 25 @ 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Centering Prayer Tuesdays, Beginning September 3rd (except for holidays) | 3:30 - 5:00pm | Pat's Home* *Address will be sent after registration* This method of silent prayer prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we [...]