Weekly Offertory Gifts: Volunteers Needed!
Are you being called?
God calls us to serve in many ways. Saint Ambrose invites families to “bring up the gifts” at Mass.
The presentation of the gifts marks the beginning of the second major part of the Mass: the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This preparation has been traditionally called the offertory since the priest prepares the gifts to be offered.
During the mass, the offertory involves very simple gestures. Families will pick up the bread and the wine from the table in the back by the sacristy. Then, they will bring the gifts forward to present to the priest to be brought to the altar. After giving the gifts to the priest, it is customary to bow to the altar before returning to your pew.
Do not be afraid! In presenting the gifts, you are carrying the very bread and wine that will be changed substantially into the Body and Blood of Christ.
If your family feels called to bring up the gifts at Mass, sign up below!
On your sign up date/time, please sit in reserved sitting. There will be a reserved sitting sign 4 rows up from the offertory gift table on the right side of the main aisle.