Parish Main Events

Men’s Breakfast

November 9 @ 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Men’s Breakfast Join us second Saturday of every month! Breakfast is on us! We begins at 8:30 am [...]

Sarah Kroger's "Belovedness" for Women of All Ages November 16, 2024 | 10:00 am - Noon Women [...]

Donut Sunday

November 17 @ 8:00 am - 1:30 pm

Donut Sunday Start your Sunday off with Mass & Fellowship! Following all the morning Masses, we invite you [...]

OneHope NEO | Food Sorting

November 19 @ 4:00 pm

OneHope NEO | Food Sorting Third Tuesday of the Month | Hilkert Hall During the food sort that [...]

OneHope NEO | Food Distribution

November 20 @ 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

OneHope NEO | Food Distribution Third Wednesday of the Month | International Newcomers Academy (3145 West 46th Street [...]

Community News

Youth Conference Donation

Help support our youth! We invite you to help support our high school students this weekend! In two weeks, some youth are headed to the Steubenville Youth Conference, while others will attend the National Catholic [...]

July Movie Night

Join us for a faith-filled, fun family night at Saint Ambrose! Celebrate a beautiful outdoor Mass at the Grotto at 6:00 pm. Then around 7:00 pm, come on up to Hilkert Hall to enjoy a [...]

VIDEO: The 2023 Summer Festival Recap!

Thank you for sharing your favorite moments of our Summer Festival! God's blessings were abundant EVERY DAY of our community summer festival. Special thanks to all of our Raffle Sponsors, Community Partners, and the [...]

Summer Newsletter!

Enjoy the latest edition of the Angelus - hitting your mailboxes this week! As we walk through the summer months, renew your commitment to the Lord. Flip through our online version, or download your [...]

Saint Ambrose Latest Videos

O U R   P A R I S H  M I S S I O N  S T A T E M E N T

We are a Catholic community of faith,
centered on Jesus Christ, who is everything for us.


Who you are is God’s gift to you.
Who you become is your gift to God.


Learn about the many events and service opportunities at Saint Ambrose and around the community.


Learn about our ministries and how you can use your God-given talents and strengths at Saint Ambrose.


Learn about the many opportunities throughout our Parish Community that could use your financial support.

Not sure how you can get involved? Contact us

Thank you to our Community Partners!

Your involvement in the Saint Ambrose Parish Community Partners Program is a high value that places your name and message before over 100,000 residents in our region. If you are interested in learning more, visit our Community Partner page.


Be the first to know about latest news, read about the wonderful things you do at our parish, and have the perfect reminder for this weekend events.