…”On the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood up and exclaimed, “Let anyone who thirsts come to me and drink”. As Scripture says: “Rivers of living water will flow from within him who believes in me.” As we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, the Gospel from John speaks powerfully to the ‘end of the Easter season’ and the promise of God in our lives. Reflect on the abundant life the Christ promises!! Rivers of living water will flow….fully alive….abundant life…no thirsting….only the fullness of life and joy!! God’s love in Christ changes everything. Allow yourself the blessing of coming more fully to the Lord.
…Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. The many followers coming together as one is a great reflection of our parish community. So many, every day, coming together, giving and sharing together in the Lord. May God bless you and our parish community as we celebrate this Feast. May we continue to trust in the power of the Spirit to unite us and make us one. Together….for the glory of God.
…Do you know someone who is thirsting?? Someone who is really looking for a better way in their life? The answer really is Jesus Christ. Invite them to come to know the Lord. Even simpler, invite them to join you when you come to Church – to pray – to Mass. About 50 percent of those surveyed said they would come to Church if someone invited them. You can be the one who helps them find a fuller, more abundant life – life in Christ. We are also here to help. Last year 34 people came into the Church at Easter. We also have all sorts of Scripture study programs. Let us help you help a family member or friend. Who is thirsting? Invite them to come to the Living Water – Jesus Christ.
…As we celebrate the birthday of the Church, we can rejoice and give thanks to the many members who have responded so generously to our appeal to repair and renovate our Church. While we don’t have ‘rivers of water’ flowing in the Church, we do have the Spirit of God alive and strong in our community. As you will see in the Generations of Faith update, we have crossed over the $4,000,000 pledge mark – which is a blessing beyond words. Many thanks and praise to God for you and all our members for your continued support for the ministries, programs and needs of our parish community. We are blessed. May God abundantly bless you.
…As you will also see, the entire project will cost about $4,500,000. We need to strive to reach the Stretch Goal of $4,300,000. What’s even more important is that each of us do our part, whatever that is, for the good of our community. Whatever you and the Holy Spirit discern is good and right for you and our community, please simply respond. Each of us are living stones in the Body of Christ, the Church – we need you – we need to hear from you.
…Our summer festival is rapidly approaching – June 21-24. This weekend we are passing out yard signs. Help us spread the word and invite our entire community to join us for some great days of family-friendly summer fun. We have great music. FREE parking and admission, fun games, and lots of homemade food. Even more, we have lots of wonderful people – just like YOU!!! So, help us spread the word.
…The Summer Festival proceeds will help us renovate and update the Chapel. Every day so many people come to the chapel to find the Lord and find God’s help, hope and healing. Last Saturday night, one of our 20 year olds found her way into the Chapel. She was looking for some ‘guidance’ and didn’t know where to turn. She really did….she turned into our parking lot and the Chapel. You would be stunned – and inspired – to see the number of people who come to the Chapel for solace, God’s strength and peace. Try it some time. Know that every time I am in the Chapel, I pray for our parish community – I pray and thank God for you.
…Many thanks to all who are turning in their summer festival raffle tickets. This is obviously a huge part of our summer festival. God bless our members Lisa and Bob Hicks. You will see reminders in the bulletin for the next few weeks, along with ‘thermometers’ to remind us of the importance of the summer raffle. You also have GREAT chances to win some amazing prizes. We are so very, very blessed with local companies that believe in the great good of our community and the way we care for our community. Many thanks to Gary Panteck and Brunswick AutoMart for our top prize. See the complete details online at: www.StAmbrose.us/festival.
…Speaking of GREAT good….did you know that our community outreach team helps especially our seniors and homebound with some house repairs and updates. It’s a way for our team to use their God-given talents to bring help – and hope – and comfort to members in our community in their time of need. They do GREAT work and work GREAT together!! They can always use an extra set of hands for a few hours a month. It can make all the difference. For more information contact Lisa Homady at [email protected].
…This past Tuesday our second and eighth graders had their Annual May Crowning. It was a beautiful celebration in this month dedicated to Mary. It was inspiring to see and hear their hearts praying and making their ‘yes’ to the Lord. The more we say ‘yes’ to God, the more our lives will be full of God’s grace – like a river of living water!
…We are very blessed to have a strong Special Ed ministry in our community. We also have an amazing Knights of Columbus. Next Sunday the K of C are hosting a GREAT meal… along with the Rat Pack… for a night of great food, music and friendship. All the proceeds will support our efforts to bring the love and hope of the Gospel to all our members. Please join us next Sunday.
…As we celebrate the birthday of the Church, know how grateful I am to God for you and all the ways you/we give, share, and work together for the Glory of God at Saint Ambrose. The Spirit is alive in our community because of really, really good people like you. Have a blessed week.