“To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything He has given us – and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love. Every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him.”
–Thomas Merton


With your help, our parish will be providing 10,000 meals in the greater Akron & Cleveland areas. We need help in the days before and on the day of Thanksgiving. We need help of every kind (cooking, carving, setting up, packing meals, etc). We need YOUR help to make this happen.

SIGN UP NOW! Contact Gabby Moss at GYatson@StAmbrose.us or 330-460-7327 for more information.

Volunteer Safety Guidelines and Regulations:

  • All volunteers filling the following jobs need to be age 18+:
    • Turkey rotation
    • Turkey prep & carver
    •  Kitchen help: meal production, pie baking
  • All volunteers filling the following jobs need to be age 16+ AND HAVE A PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN PRESENT DURING SHIFTS:
    • Kitchen clean up: clean all trays used in the making of the boxed lunches
    • Kitchen help: stack and stage orders for delivery (heavy lifting required)
    • Support: load orders onto trucks for overnight storage and delivery (heavy lifting required); stack and stage orders for delivery (heavy lifting required)
    • Dishwashing
  • Unfortunately, children are not permitted on-site during volunteer shifts.
  • All volunteers will be given hair nets, gloves, and aprons that must be worn during your entire volunteer shift.
  • Volunteers are expected to wear close-toe shoes during their shifts; open-toe shoes are strictly prohibited.
  • Kindly, those who display or have cold, influenza, and/or COVID-19 symptoms to stay home and take care of themselves.

Additionally, we need to inform our volunteers of the following specifics:

  • The knives that are used during turkey prep and carving are professional-grade and very sharp.
  • Cleaning of turkey carcasses is a grueling process and very labor intensive.
  • Carving of turkey requires volunteers to be in the standing position. Sitting while carving turkeys will not be possible or allowed.

Reserve a Meal!

We are happy to provide three options for meals on Thanksgiving Day.

•   Meals can be delivered to Brunswick/Brunswick Hills
•   Meals can be picked up 12:30 – 1:30 pm at the back door of Hilkert Hall
•   Sit-down dinner in the Mother Teresa Room from 12:00 – 1:00 pm, please arrive through the back door of Hilkert Hall. All sit-down guests will also receive a boxed lunch meal to take home.

To reserve a meal for any of the three options please call the office at 330-460-7300, RSVP by Friday November 22nd.

Upcoming Events

Lenten Fish Fry

March 21 @ 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm

PSR Living Stations

March 21 @ 7:30 pm

Sunday LENT Bingo

March 23 @ 2:00 pm

Lenten Soup Supper

March 26 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm