…“Come, let us climb the LORD’s mountain, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may instruct us in his ways, and we may walk in his paths.” For from Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and impose terms on many peoples. They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; one nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!” Our first reading from the Prophet Isaiah, on this First Sunday of Advent, sets both the theme and the tone for our Advent season at Saint Ambrose – Light the Way to Peace. In these weeks of preparation and anticipation for Christmas, we seek Jesus our Light – who desires each day to come and be our path to peace – peace in our hearts, peace in our homes, peace in our world. Amid all the excitement of these weeks before Christmas, how can we use these days to walk the path of the Lord – the path of Light – the path of Peace?

…God bless you a thousand times over for your goodness to all of our sisters and brothers in need these past days of Thanksgiving. Thanks to you, we provided 6,000 meals across our region. More importantly, working together we brought the peace and mercy of Christ to those who are in need. The effort was truly the work of our entire community. Over 600 turkeys and 500+ pies were collected. Hundreds of our members and friends cooked, cleaned, collated, delivered and so much more. Many thanks to one and all who bring the Light of Christ’s peace to so many. God bless you.

…One reason why our Thanksgiving Meal (and our parish overall) is so blessed can best be explained in a card I received this past week: “Father Bob, I received this ($100) from my brother for my 90th birthday. I am so blessed to have family and friends so I thought I would share it with our Thanksgiving Meal. Hope it helps. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.” It was signed simply: Doing God’s Work. Everyone working…giving….sharing…praying…helping. We are blessed by so many, many, many who are simply striving to “do God’s work.”

…This is just one of many thank you notes YOU received from this past week: “Hi! Thank you so much for all of your help. I never expected that much help. It will help me out so much. I’m sure it will help everyone. The communities’ generosity overwhelms me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Again, thank you for everything. – C”

…Today’s bulletin contains some of the wonderful opportunities taking place in our community this Advent Season. Each is designed to light the path to the Peace of Christ. Please take some time to review these opportunities and make some time for yourself and the Lord this Advent Season.

…Something new to our parish this year is the Advent Tea, taking place on Saturday, December 10. We’ve invited Brooke Taylor to lead us in a time of reflection on how to find peace and strength in the busy-ness of these days. It’s a perfect gift to give to a mom, grandmother, daughter or neighbor. See the bulletin for more information.

…This past weekend, our high school students were on their Metanoia Retreat. It was a wonderful experience for the 45 teens who attended. The theme of the retreat was ‘Together’ and their song was a favorite from Matt Maher, “Love will hold us together.” Matt Maher will be at Saint Ambrose on Sunday, December 11 for an evening of Advent music and reflection. For teens and adults, it’s a perfect family night to focus on the path to peace – Jesus Christ. Tickets are available at the Parish Office.

…The Little Blue Books are available both on the bookrack by the Chapel and at the entry doors of the Church. They contain a short, meaningful daily reflection. It’s a perfect way to use these Advent days to seek the peace of Christ in your heart, home and work place. Many of our members have shared with me how much these little daily reflections mean to them and help them grow closer to the Lord. Please take one for yourself and a friend/family member.

…Just so you know…I will be away from the campus this week. I am having very minor surgery on Monday and will need a few days to recover. Long story short, I broke my nose last January in our mission. This should help remove the cartilage and get things back in good order. I should be back – good as new – by next weekend.

…This Tuesday is our Advent Communal Penance at 7:00 pm. We have many priests who will be joining us for the individual celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It’s a perfect way to experience the mercy and peace of the Lord. It’s a great way to Light the path to deep inner peace for the Advent/Christmas Season. Please join us.

…The world–renowned Singing Angels are coming to Saint Ambrose for a Christmas Concert next Saturday evening. Come and enjoy a perfect family night filled with great people and wonderful songs and music. As part of the evening, we will officially light all the trees that have been beautiful decorated for the season. Many thanks to an ‘angel ‘in our parish for the trees. Thanks to all who have taken to decorate the trees. Many have been done in memory of loved ones. It’s a special way to bring in the joy of this holy season. May the light of these trees illuminate the path to peace and joy in the days and weeks ahead.

…Many thanks to all who have taken time to review the Stewardship Booklet sent to your home a week or two ago. We need everyone to find one gift to share with our community. Let your light shine!!! In doing so, you will Light the Path to peace, love, joy and hope in our community.

…Our young children are asked each week to share something special they did to help another over the past week. Here are two examples: “This week I took time to help my mom and dad.” “I cleaned my room and took care of our dog.” Everyone sharing and working together makes for a more peaceful and joyful world.

…Many thanks to all who cleaned out the closets to bring coats for those in need in the city. It was a blessing to watch so many find a coat and be wrapped in the warmth and care of the Lord and our community. God bless you for your thoughtfulness.

…May these Advent days be filled with God’s peace. Allow Christ to Light the path to deep inner peace in your heart. You are in my prayers and thoughts. God bless you.
