Something for Everyone!

Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for giving of your time and talent!

Sign up to volunteer for a ministry, event, or other parish activity. There is something for everyone! It’s a simple way to get involved and give back to our parish community. It is through the gift of your time that we are able to provide all the ministries, host family events, and serve so many.

Your generosity and commitment are truly appreciated!

Lent Mini VBS

March 8 | 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Bunny Breakfast

April 5 | 9:00 am – 11:30 am

Easter Egg Hunt

April 19 | 1:30 pm

Community Service Weekend

April 25-27

Peace, Love, & Prom

May 10

Service Events

CWM Community Meal

March 16 @ 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

CWM Community Meal Third Sunday of the Month | 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Stop by Hilkert Hall to pick [...]

OneHope NEO | Food Sorting

March 18 @ 4:00 pm

OneHope NEO | Food Sorting Third Tuesday of the Month | Hilkert Hall During the food sort that takes place [...]

OneHope NEO | Food Distribution

March 19 @ 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

OneHope NEO | Food Distribution Third Wednesday of the Month | International Newcomers Academy (3145 West 46th Street in Cleveland) [...]

CWM Food Distributions Wednesdays from 6:00 - 7:00 pm Our Catholic Works of Mercy holds a weekly food distribution on [...]

Adopt-a-Patch Spring Meeting

March 20 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Adopt-a-Patch Spring Meeting March 20 | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm |Mother Teresa Room All are welcome to our [...]

CWM Food Distributions Wednesdays from 6:00 - 7:00 pm Our Catholic Works of Mercy holds a weekly food distribution on [...]

Featured Volunteer Needs

Bingo Volunteers

We need help from our Parish Community and  SAS & PSR Parents to make Bingo a success!

Income from bingo supports our vibrant school and parish community! We also support a wide range of family programs most of which are free or at cost. Our parents’ involvement is a way of keeping our school strong and vibrant. The better Bingo and our parish do, the more we can continue to support our school! Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

Funeral Help

Help our parish continue this beautiful, caring and thoughtful ministry to families in their time of loss…in their time of farewell.

  • Our New Life Choir brings great comfort to our families at the funeral of their loved one.
  • Funeral Mass Servers.  All the training will be provided.
  • Greeters welcome families as they come and go.
  • Funeral Luncheons. Help set up – or clean up – or bake (in advance)??

How can you help?

Sorting and Distribution of Food

OneHope NEO has been serving in the Clark Fulton/Stockyards neighborhood under the name ‘Alpha Village’ for 6 years. We are blessed to take care of many families in the City of Cleveland as part of this outreach. You can help sort food items and/or help distribute those items to families.  Many hands make for light work. Sign up to help throughout the coming months: Sign Up Here  

Catholic Works of Mercy Call for Volunteers

Catholic Works of Mercy is looking to expand their Food Pantry team. The team picks up food from the Akron Food Bank twice a month and delivers it to the Saint Ambrose Food Pantry. Your time commitment would usually be once per month, occasionally twice and pick-ups are on the 1st or 3rd Wednesday of the month, usually in the morning. Having a covered pickup truck, large SUV, or full-size minivan would be helpful and you would need to be able to lift 40 pounds as we load and unload the food. Please contact Bill Zarefoss at 216.287.4552 with any questions.

Make Lunches / PB&J Brigade

We could use a few additional hands to help create the 2,600 lunches that happen each week.   To sign up to help or learn more, please contact Gabby Moss at

Make Care Calls

We are still in need of some folks to make care calls to isolated and homebound seniors who live in the city of Cleveland.  If you can help, please send me an email (   We need fifty people who can each make 20 care calls.  Easy, helpful, meaningful, a blessing.

Writing Articles

We could use some people who can help write articles for the bulletin or newsletter. If you can help or want to learn more, please send me an email: frbob@ 

Medina Creative Therapy Ranch

Medina Creative Therapy Ranch is in need of volunteers. Volunteers must be at least 14 years old, or 12 years old if you have experience working with horses, in order to act as a horse leader or a side walker in our therapeutic riding lessons. If you are interested, please contact Sharon: Call: 330.591.4434 ext. 7010 Email:

Mass Video Taping

We are blessed with a team of members who are helping us stream our Masses and tape some of our online programming.  We really could use a few more to help once or twice a month.  If you have some experience, and/or some interest, please contact Jake Bihari at

Deliver Food

Our Catholic Works of Mercy team will continue with their weekly food distributions – every Wednesday from 6:00 – 7:00pm. They are taking every precaution to do this in a safe manner.  If you are able to deliver food to those in need of food, please contact Lisa at

Group or Ministry Help

Couple to Couple Ministry

Couple to Couple Ministers share their journey with some of the couples preparing for Marriage and their Weddings at Saint Ambrose. We are so blessed by their ‘yes’ and choosing to share their gift of married love. As we grow in the number of weddings, we could use a few more couples. No couple is perfect… more importantly, each couple works to perfect love over the course of their life and marriage. If you are interested and/or open to learning more, please contact Kim Nemet (

Prayer Blanket Makers

Our parish is very blessed to have wonderful members who make beautiful prayer blankets for each child who is baptized. We are always looking for a few more volunteers to help with this ministry.  You can do it on your time and with your own pattern.  To learn more, please contact Jane Baldwin (

Greeters and Ushers

Jesus teaches us to be hospitable to one another and to our guests. Our team of greeters and ushers serve on the “front lines” to establish and maintain the spirit of hospitality and warmth for all who gather for worship at Saint Ambrose Parish. They are volunteers who minister to the entire church family and visitors alike in a variety of practical ways.  If you have the interest and ability to step forth and take on the great responsibility of making everyone feel comfortable and at home during our Masses and services, we welcome you to sign-up with Diane Heilman at

Offertory Gift Bearer

Serving as an Offertory gift bearer is an honor that requires no special skill or training. It is a beautiful and significant part of the Mass performed by lay people who have the willingness to serve in this important role. Gift bearers carry the wine, the hosts, and the offerings to the presiding priest at Mass for Consecration. Due to previous COVID-19 restrictions, this practice was paused for the safety of our parishioners. With restrictions being lifted we are looking forward to inviting individuals and families back to fulfilling this important job. Please reach out to Diane Heilman at if you are interested.

Heavenly Angels Cleaning Ministry

We have a wonderful team of our members who help take care of our Church every Thursday, at 9:00 am. As we get back to a fuller crowd in Church, we need some extra hands on Thursday mornings. Come once a month….come every week…..what’s most important is we need your help. Think about cleaning God’s House….and spending an hour with the Lord. Cleanliness is next to godliness. We are looking for a few new volunteers. Cleaning consists of vacuuming, dusting, window washing, and cleaning the pews when needed. All supplies are provided. If you are interested, please contact Amanda McCrary at

Music Ministry

Do you love singing or playing music? Share your gift of music with our community by joining our Music Ministry! There are wonderful opportunities for all ages to get involved.  Contact Travis Jurgens, Director of Music Ministry |

Building & Grounds

Our Building and Grounds volunteers have been amazing over the past few weeks getting our campus back up to speed and in good repair. They could use a few extra helpers to join them – once or twice a month – for a couple of hours. Help them do great good and keep our parish facilities in top shape. To sign up, or learn more, contact Ken at

Volunteers / Catechists for PSR and Youth Ministry

Looking for a great way to volunteer? Want to share the faith with our children and teens? Consider serving as a volunteer for our Parish School of Religion (PSR) or Youth Ministry Programs. Volunteers are always needed – to serve as catechists, help in the kitchen, assist with events, etc.  If you’re interested, please contact Janet Majka (PSR) at or Caitlin O’Neill (Youth Ministry) at

Volunteering with Children

We appreciate your efforts to comply with diocesan requirements to insure the safety of children in our various programs. Protecting God’s Children is both a privilege and responsibility – which we all share. If you have any questions please contact anyone listed below.

Review our Volunteer Forms Page

Information on Virtus or Background Check can be found here.

Father Bob Stec

Lisa Cinadr
Day School Principal

Geneva Chrysanthus
VIRTUS Coordinator