Volunteer at Saint Ambrose

Thank you for your willingness to give of your time and talent to our parish community! Know that you are part of a large group of volunteers that give of their gifts in order to pass on our Catholic faith to the youth of our parish, by serving as a disciple of Christ. It is only through the generosity of our parish family that we are able to provide all the ministries and services that we do.

We appreciate your efforts to comply with diocesan requirements to insure the safety of children in our various programs. Protecting God’s Children is both a privilege and responsibility – which we all share. If many do a little, no one has to do a lot, and our programs will be most effective to meet the needs of the youth in our parish. If you have any questions please contact anyone listed below.

Know that your generosity and commitment is truly appreciated!


Father Bob Stec
[email protected]

Lisa Cinadr
Day School Principal
[email protected]

Geneva Chrysanthus
VIRTUS Coordinator
[email protected]

Complete the Volunteer Steps

We have devised a handy checklist that will guide you through the process.  We ask that you please print it off (or pick up one at the Parish Life Center office).  As you move through the required steps, kindly check off that step on the list.

Fill out a volunteer application.  You can complete the application online, or download and print a copy.  Applications may also be picked up at the Parish Life Center office.  Please return paper applications to the front desk at the Parish Life Center office.


Register for a VIRTUS class session.  VIRTUS is designed to educate the attendee regarding issues surrounding child sexual abuse. St. Ambrose holds VIRTUS classes monthly.To sign up for a class, go to www.virtus.org and click on the registration button.

Verification of your attendance, if class not at St. Ambrose (certificate received at training session) must be delivered to Michele Sumner in the Parish Life Center office after completion of the training.

Once you have completed the VIRTUS Training, you will receive monthly email notices to read a bulletin from VIRTUS. These are very brief articles which require answering only one question. A record of your ongoing progress will be kept on the website for diocesan records. All VIRTUS-trained volunteers must be current with the online training bulletins.

If you have already taken the class, but have not registered, please do so immediately. All past and future classes will be visible once you have registered on-line. This ensures the diocese knows you have fulfilled your requirements. Be certain to list St. Ambrose Parish as your primary location when registering. [sep] When registering, please follow these steps:

  • Location: St. Ambrose School (if volunteering at the day school), St. Ambrose (if volunteering for PSR).  It is possible to select both locations.
  • Profile: parents/guardians, volunteers
  • Roles (see below):

Day School:

  • Library Aide
  • Volunteer


  • CLOW
  • Coaches
  • Confirmation Team
  • Girl Scouts
  • Good Shepherd Catechists
  • Local Administrator
  • Parent
  • Priest
  • PSR Catechist 1-5
  • PSR Catechist 6-8
  • RCIA team member
  • Scout leader
  • Special Ed. Program
  • Sun. Preschool Catechists
  • VBS Volunteer
  • Volunteer
  • Youth Ministry

Background Checks

Following Diocesan’s directives, we are now working with Selection.com to do online background checks.

Ongoing periodic checks thru Selection.com make sure that all of our children and volunteers are safe and supported in their service to the Lord. Selection.com is easier and more convenient to use. It does come with a one-time cost of $25.  Go to the Toolbox tab when you log in to Virtus and you will be instructed on completing the background check. For those who are unable to financially cover this cost, please contact Geneva at the Parish Office ([email protected]).

As a volunteer, if it has been more than 5 years since your last background check, you will need to complete the online background check process.

Read the required Policy for the Safety of Children – Revised 2016 from the Diocese of Cleveland.  There is an acknowledgement form at the end of the policy.  Please print it off, sign it and return it to the Parish Life Center or school.  Hard copies of the acknowledgement form are available at the Parish Life Center.

Read the required Standards of Conduct – Revised 2016 from the Diocese of Cleveland.  There is an acknowledgement form at the end of the policy.  Please print it off, sign it and return it to the Parish Life Center or school.  Hard copies of the acknowledgement form are available at the Parish Life Center.