Something for Everyone!

Weekly Offertory Gifts: Volunteers Needed!

Are you being called?

God calls us to serve in many ways. Saint Ambrose invites families to “bring up the gifts” at Mass.

The presentation of the gifts marks the beginning of the second major part of the Mass: the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This preparation has been traditionally called the offertory since the priest prepares the gifts to be offered.

During the mass, the offertory involves very simple gestures. Families will pick up the bread and the wine from the table in the back by the sacristy. Then, they will bring the gifts forward to present to the priest to be brought to the altar. After giving the gifts to the priest, it is customary to bow to the altar before returning to your pew. 

Do not be afraid! In presenting the gifts, you are carrying the very bread and wine that will be changed substantially into the Body and Blood of Christ.

If your family feels called to bring up the gifts at Mass, sign up below!

On your sign up date/time, please sit in reserved sitting. There will be a reserved sitting sign 4 rows up from the offertory gift table on the right side of the main aisle.

Baby Bible Time with Caregiver & Me

1st Monday of the Month October – May (2nd Monday in January) | 10:00 am – 11:00 am | Fr. McGivney in Lehner Center

For Children ages 0-4 and their caregivers.  Non-Parish members are welcome too.

God’s Word tells us in Proverbs to train up our children in the way of the Lord.  It is never to early to start teaching them God’s way.  Science tells us that from birth to (approximately) age six, your child’s brain works like a sponge, soaking up huge amounts of information from the environment.  Unlike other story times offered, we will focus on Christian stories from the Bible, Christian songs, crafts, and fellowship. Build the foundation of Jesus Christ early in their lives. 

Contact Gayle Oboy at or 330.460.7322 with questions. 

Looking to enhance your marriage?

Check out of Marriage Page for events and programs! 

Learn more at

Parish School of Religion (PSR)

Sharing the love of Christ with your child. 

PSR serves to support parents in the spiritual development and faith formation of their children.

Learn more about Saint Ambrose PSR at

Journey with Jesus Sunday Preschool

Ages 3, 4, 5, and Kindergarten | During 9:00 am and 10:30 am Sunday Masses

Young children learn easily through song and stories. Preschool years are the best time to share the songs of our faith and stories about Jesus. Our Preschool PSR is designed to help you, as parents, teach your child the songs and stories that will stay with them forever.

Visit our Journey with Jesus page to learn more about how this program helps young children grow in faith!

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Inviting Children Grades K-3

During Mass at 4:30 pm Saturday, 9:00 am and 10:30 am Sunday

We all know young children can have trouble sitting still during Mass.  At CLOW, they can listen and ask questions while we discuss the readings and Gospel. It’s amazing to see them engage!

Learn more about how CLOW can help children grow in their faith each weekend!

Upcoming Events

BLAZE for Teen/Tween Girls

March 20 @ 6:00 pm - 8:15 pm

BLAZE for Teen/Tween Girls Beginning September 19th | Thursdays BLAZE is coming to St. Ambrose! BLAZE is a Walking with Purpose ministry for teen/tween girls. Through BLAZE, we emphasize how a girl’s identity is rooted in Christ as God’s chosen, [...]

BLAZE for Teen/Tween Girls

April 3 @ 6:00 pm - 8:15 pm

BLAZE for Teen/Tween Girls Beginning September 19th | Thursdays BLAZE is coming to St. Ambrose! BLAZE is a Walking with Purpose ministry for teen/tween girls. Through BLAZE, we emphasize how a girl’s identity is rooted in Christ as God’s chosen, [...]

Bunny Breakfast

April 5 @ 9:00 am - 11:30 am

Bunny Breakfast 2025 Saturday, April 5 | 9:00 am – 11:30 am Family fun for the whole community! Get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny in front of a beautiful spring display! Enjoy a wonderful Easter craft for [...]

Baby Bible Time – Saturdays

April 5 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Baby Bible Time with Caregiver & Me 1st Monday and Saturday of the Month (October – May) | 10:00 am – 11:00 am  For Children ages 0-4 and their caregivers.  Non-Parish members are welcome too. Oct 5 or 7  [...]