Suggested Strengths: Empathy, Responsibility, Positivity, Belief
Trish Shaw 440.590.0083 or
Marian Iglai, 330.225.4817 or
Are you truly pro-life? If pro-life issues are important to you, then we want you. The Saint Ambrose Pro Life Group promotes awareness of the sanctity and value of human life from conception until natural death.
What exactly do we do?
Inspire & educate our school students to be 100% Pro-life.
Educate our parishioners on abortion, end-of-life issues, adoption, in-vitro fertilization, natural family planning, human trafficking, health care mandates, and other issues.
Work in conjunction with our priests to promote the sanctity of life.
Participate in 40 Days for Life campaigns where we pray the rosary outside abortion clinics and hold signs saying “Pray to End Abortion.”
Attend the annual March For Life in DC.
Raise money and collect baby items for the local organizations to help mothers and families.
Attend the annual Medina Life Chain in October.
Talents and skills we are looking for: We need someone with new and creative ways to educate our parishioners and school students to increase the awareness of the pro-life message. We’re looking for individuals who enjoy speaking to the parish about Pro-life issues. We welcome fresh faces who simply want to know more about our causes or who are willing to help out in any way they can. Is this you? If so, please contact Trish today.
When do we meet? The Pro-Life Group meets 4-5 times a year; the months of February, April, August, and December in the Lehner Center from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm as posted in the bulletin. Call Trish or Marian to confirm meetings.