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News from Saint Ambrose Parish
RCIA or RCIC Participant Forms
ENROLLMENT FORM To enroll in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) or RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) at Saint Ambrose Parish, please complete the form in this column. Please complete [...]
ABLAZE Discipleship Team Sweatshirts
Purchase your ABLAZE Discipleship Team Sweatshirt Order Your ABLAZE Discipleship Team Sweatshirt in the registration below. $16 per shirt. Adult sizes (S-XL).
News from Our Diocese
Sharing Catholic News In an effort to keep our parish community well informed, this is where you will find news articles, letters, and formal announcements from our Diocese of Cleveland and the Vatican that [...]
Spiritual Gifts
Learning My Spiritual Gifts Did you know you have at least one, if not more, spiritual gifts (also called Charisms)? These are special abilities given are to all Christians by the Holy Spirit [...]
NEW Parish Calendar
Our 2025 Parish Calendar is here! Pick up a copy at the Church doors when you come to Mass next time. If you are unable to come to Saint Ambrose Parish to pick a calendar [...]
Online Resources Overview
- All Daily & Weekend Masses, stream live at
- Fr. Bob’s Weekly Reflection Video, shared every Tuesday
- Fr. Andrew’s Sitting with Scripture, shared every Thursday
- CLOW with Kim Nemet: Sundays
- Father Bob Stec & Father Andrew Hoover Homilies
Join us for Mass
Saturday 4:30 pm (8:15 am on first Saturday of month)
Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 Noon, 5:00 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 8:15 am
Thursday – 5:30 pm
1st Saturday of the Month – 8:15 am Mass
Masses streamed live on our website at