We are the Body of Christ.

It is so important for all of us to realize that we all participate in worshiping God during the liturgical celebrations; we are all the Body of Christ. – Pope Francis, July 15, 2022

We are so blessed, as a community of faith, to have inspiring and joyful worship when we gather for weekend Masses. What a blessing and miracle that our Church is full and Mass attendance is strong. As we continue to ‘heal’ from the pandemic years, we are looking to return and grow our liturgical and music ministries. It’s important for the prayer life of our parish. It’s also meaningful for those who choose to serve at the Table of the Lord. Pope Francis reminds us that all of us have a role and a way that we can actively participate when we gather in prayer. Here are some of our liturgical ministries where we really need some help – we need YOU!!!

USHERS AND GREETERS. Who doesn’t like a warm welcome when you walk into the Church, or a friendly goodbye with a bulletin as you head home?? We need to rebuild our usher and greeter teams. Our hope and goal is to have a ‘team’ for each Mass so no one has to serve every week. We need to add about forty ushers/greeters to our faith core team. It basically requires fifteen minutes before Mass and the same afterward. You welcome, greet, make sure everyone has a comfortable seat/place in Church, and help reset the Church after Mass. Again, if we build a team, you can serve once or twice a month at your convenience. Ushers/greeters are so important because they remind all of us of the welcome we want to receive at Heaven’s Gate. To learn more, or to sign up, contact Dyan Beder at patanddy@zoominternet.net.

CLEANING ANGELS. There’s a mighty group that helps take care of God’s House – our Church. They roll in on Thursday for a few hours. Many hands make for light work. Come once a month – come every week – we need your help. Contact Amanda McCrary at AJMM18@aol.com for more information.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTER. Our Eucharistic Ministers serve both at Mass, and some go and visit our homebound and those in care facilities. Believe it or not, every weekend we need almost 100 members to assist/serve. Talk with anyone who serves in this very special ministry and they will tell you ‘what a blessing’ it is to share the Body of Christ with our members (both at Mass and in their homes). Open your heart to serve as a Special Minister of Holy Communion and the Lord will fill your heart with overflowing blessings. Contact Vita Schmidt at VSchmidt@StAmbrose.us for more information or to sign up.

MUSIC MINISTRY. We are so blessed as a parish community to have ‘inspiring and joyful prayer and worship.’ Our music ministry helps us when we gather together in prayer. There’s a place for everyone. Join the choir. If you play a musical instrument, we would love to have you share your talent. Our New Life Choir brings comfort to families at the time of the loss of their loved ones. There’s a place for all. Music stirs the soul. Joining the music ministry will nourish your soul and be such a blessing to our parish community. Contact Travis Jürgens at TJurgens@StAmbrose.us for more information.

ART AND ENVIRONMENT. Our Church always looks beautiful – and fresh – and alive…thanks to our A/E team. They care for the plants, decorate for the seasons, and make sure that God’s house is filled with beauty. This effort takes many hands…and many hands, make for a beautiful church. If you are crafty and can help make wreathes for the doors…or good with plants… or just a great helper, the A/E Team needs you. The commitment is an hour or two a month that will make all the difference for our parish community. To learn more, please contact Helen Lanzarotta at HLanzarotta@StAmbrose.us.

LECTORS. Proclaiming God’s Word at Mass means you have to prepare — read, reflect and practice – the scripture passage. Lectoring is a great way to deepen your understanding of God’s Word. We live what we proclaim. Please consider serving as a lector for our community. It will enrich our prayer as it feeds your soul. Contact Mike Mascio at mmascio668@gmail.com for more information or to sign up.

SACRISTANS. We are looking for a couple of people who can assist in helping make sure we are ‘set up’ and ‘cleaned up’ from each weekend Mass. The sacristan helps make sure that everything is set for a beautiful liturgy (cruets, vessels, etc). Our goal is to have 12 trained sacristans so there’s flexibility in the scheduling and commitment. Contact Anne Behrend at annembehrend@aol.com.