Employment Ministry

We care about our parishioners and want to help connect you with new opportunities.

Saint Ambrose Employment Ministry can help you with your job search! We want to assist you during job transition and optimize your resources.

We invite you to watch the video and find out some more information on our page below.

Interested in 1:1 Career Mentoring?

Email your resume to the Saint Ambrose Employment Ministry at st.ambrose.employment.ministry@gmail.com with the subject “Request for Career Mentoring.” Within one week, you will be contacted by a member of our ministry to serve as your mentor.

Career Counseling Available

The Saint Ambrose Employment Ministry offers one-on-one career coaching to parishioners and other area residents interested in career changes, whether new to the job market or experienced employees and managers.

We offer personalized career coaching, which is tailored depending on where a candidate is in their search process. For example, we:

  • Coach job seekers on leveraging their strengths
  • Offer suggestions to improve their resume, personal marketing plan, and social media presence
  • Refer them to other services in the parish, such as the Living Your Strengths workshops, Catholic Works of Mercy, and Stephen Ministry
  • Conduct practice job interviews
  • Help navigate current (i.e., online) job search/application techniques
  • Share contacts in our networks who may be able to assist them
  • We also post open positions we learn about on the parish’s LinkedIn page.

To find out how the Saint Ambrose Employment Ministry can help you with your job search, contact parishioner Joe Wollet at st.ambrose.employment.ministry@gmail.com.

Job Postings in Bulletin

If your organization is hiring, let us know. Send a short, 3-4 line ad, to BStec@StAmbrose.us.

Music Ministry’s Handbell Director

Posted July 17, 2024

We’re currently in search of an outstanding candidate to fill the position of Handbell Director at Saint Ambrose.

The Handbell Director leads the handbells at Saint Ambrose Parish by empowering, engaging, and equipping its members to create
beautiful music in praise of our Lord. This is an hourly paid position. Click here for complete position details and instructions on how to apply.

Guardian Angels Aide/After-School Care

Posted September 28, 2022

We are hiring for both Littlest Angels Preschool and Saint Ambrose School for after-school care. If you are interested or know of someone looking for part-time work or internship experience in education please share! Hours needed are 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm on Monday-Fridays during school and off for holidays and weekends! Thank you for helping us find the best people! Please email Admissions@StASchool.us and use Hiring in the subject line.

We’re on LinkedIn and share career/employment opportunities regularly.

Follow us on LinkedIn, especially if you:

  • Want to expand your professional network to include fellow parishioners.
  • Are looking for a career change.
  • Can post an open position you know about that may be of interest to parishioners.
  • Want to connect with the Saint Ambrose Employment Ministry.
  • Desire to know about upcoming events and services to benefit job seekers.