We don’t have a choice to repair what is broken, but we do have a choice on how we put it back together and create a worship space that will last for the next 35+ years. We need your support to make this happen.

  • Pray about the level of support you were asked to consider. What Gift of Generosity can you make to build God’s house?
  • Please provide your answer regarding your pledge as soon as possible, ideally within one week. Every pledge is critical in helping us achieve our shared goal.
  • Pray for the success of the campaign. Pray that God will continue to bless our parish community so that we may continue to be a beacon of light and hope for the region.
  • Be an ambassador of this project. Talk about it to your friends and family. Share with them the pictures, video and information. Encourage them to also give.

Pledges can be paid over a period of 5 years (or shorter) and there are many different ways to give: planned giving, stock, matching gifts, etc. With the changes in the tax law, there are a lot of ways to help your parish – and yourself.

If you have any questions on how to make a pledge, contact Jake Bihari: JBihari@StAmbrose.us or 216.215.5015.

We need you (and all of our members) to make this happen!

Our parish is blessed with committed, wonderful, faithful members. You are generous with your time, talent and treasure. YOU are a blessing beyond words.

In order for us to repair ($2,000,000) or repair/renovate (total of $4,000,000) the Church, we need to conduct a special appeal – a capital campaign – to raise the needed funds to care for God’s house. For our parish to raise this money is going to require the help, support and goodness of all of our members. All of us need to give and work ‘together’ for the glory of God and the care of God’s house.

While there is no right or wrong amount to give, what is needed for our community is for each member to sincerely and prayerfully give a ‘generous’ gift to God. No funds will be given to the diocese. No funds are being spent on fundraising fees or consultants. These funds are 100 percent dedicated to the repair/renovation of the Church. Your gift is a gift to God, to care for God’s House.

The work needs to be done. This is our time to do something special for God – for God’s house – and for OUR community. For some, this will be a lasting ‘legacy’ gift and, for all, this will be a special moment for our community to invest in the future of Saint Ambrose.